I love you

13 2 0

We are hidden behind a concrete staircase

In the shady area beside the portables
1. Nobody goes there.
2. The grass was greener there.

Your back is flat against the wall
And your arms are around my back

I drink in the air between our kisses

Your hair is so,
so soft.

As always.

Your hands are holding my face, pulling me closer
I want to check if anyone is approaching,
But I can't possibly leave you
Even for the second it would take to check
So instead I pray no one walks by.

I want this to last forever.

Deep down, there is a sinking feeling
That part of me that knows this will never last
That your love,
This love that I crave constantly,
Is temporary.

But in this moment I want nothing more.
Nothing else.
This is all I have ever wanted.

You are all I have ever wanted.

I love you.

She's Everything. (Short poetry series)Where stories live. Discover now