Chapter 2: A Brother's Envy

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     It's January 11th, Shoto Todoroki was born and Touya almost immediately hated him. Months before, no even the last two years Enji had been sulking still. Sulking over his loss of his perfect child, drained of energy. His mother, Rei, had been sulking too. The moment she got pregnant she was depressed all the time. She didn't want to be pregnant again and honestly Enji looked like he didn't want her to have another child either. One that also wouldn't be able to surpass All Might due to his or her body's makeup. But no, oh no, Enji's mind changed so easily when Shoto was born. One look at his half white and half red hair and he was ecstatic. It confused seven year old Touya, as his hair was half and half just months prior. A new hope was born, his favorite and prized child was born.

     Though things were rocky now that Shoto was born, he figured he'd have fun on his birthday. Their parents always throw a party for all of them, it didn't matter how bad things got. It was the one day Enji paid attention to Touya and only Touya. However, when the day rolled around it didn't happen. Just a week after Shoto was born, January 18th, was Touya's eighth birthday. The previous night he had gone to bed so early because he was so excited to wake up to decorations, cake, and presents. He was excited for Enji to finally look at him. The kid was disappointed when he woke up and he saw nothing; no cake, no decorations, no presents, no Natsuo, and no parents. Fuyumi was still here, the girl even ran to him and gave him her birthday wishes as she hugged onto his arm.

     "They took Shoto and Natsuo to meet dad's sidekicks. They were going to leave Natsuo, but he's still too little, mom said," Fuyumi whispered, sadly looking at Touya.

     "Get off Fuyumi, you're just a little girl. Who cares what they do with Shoto? I don't... its just some dumb birthday," he grumbled, yanking his arm away from the only one who cared for him right now.

     After he went back to his room, Fuyumi ran to the kitchen. She loves Touya and she didn't want to see him sad on his birthday. She didn't care if he acted like he had no care, she knew he was really excited for today. Doing something for him was what was important to Fuyumi right now. Finding a cookie was very lucky. They weren't allowed to eat junk, but their mom craved them while she was pregnant with Shoto. She grabbed it for Touya, then found some paper and markers and began to make him something. A present. She was seven, didn't write well, and colored awfully, but it was made by her hands. Drawn flowers and hearts that surrounded the sloppy words 'Happy Birthday Big Brother!' were colored in with Touya's favorite colors. She also did her best to draw the chocolate chip cookie she found for him, and then ran down the hall towards Touya's room. She opened the door and put the paper on the floor and the cookie on the paper. Fuyumi quickly ran off to her own room after that, she didn't know if Touya would yell at her or not.

     Touya had been too busy to even notice Fuyumi opened his bedroom door. As soon as he got to his room he grabbed his desk chair and pulled it by his window. As he looked out he wondered what he had done wrong. He didn't want to cry, but he just couldn't stop himself. What would it take for Enji to look his way again? Did he have to die to achieve his goal? Would Shoto have to die? Yes, that was it! If Shoto weren't here anymore, then Enji would have to rely on Touya. It would have to be quick so he couldn't be stopped, it would- the door shut. Turning, he saw the paper and cookie. When he walked over he picked them up and smiled softly, tears running down his face. Even after he was rude to Fuyumi she still did this for him. She was the only one who cared. His sister. He decided then and there he would also get strong for her. The card was beautiful to him despite the sloppy and the ugly blend of his favorite colors. He'd keep this forever.. he will have it still even when he dies. He will have it when he is Dabi and when he is with the league.

     Enji and Rei had gotten home by lunch time with Natsuo and Shoto. Rei immediately began to make everyone some lunch and Enji was on his way to Touya's room. Those familiar stomps almost excited him. Still, after he had looked at what Fuyumi did for him he put the card on his desk and looked out his window again. He even held his ground as Enji came into his room. The man said nothing as he walked to his oldest, stopping to observe the paper on his desk.

     "What is this Touya?" Enji asked, starting to reach for the paper.

     "It's mine! Fuyumi made it for my birthday," he said, snatching it before Enji could touch it.

     "Oh, well happy birthday," Enji mumbled, looking at the back of Touya's head.

     Touya didn't say anything after that, he kept his eyes on the world outside his window. He almost wondered what other children were doing. How lucky they were to have bodies that could support their quirk. Their luck that they could be heroes.

     "Your hair looks like Fuyumi's does now," Enji tried, "Everyone loves Shoto."

     He could almost feel the envy setting his emotions on fire. Of course everyone loves Shoto, he's the perfect child. He doesn't cry, he doesn't yell, he doesn't hit, everything an ideal baby would do he does. It drives Touya insane! How can someone be so perfect at only a week old?

     Once Enj left he decided that he had to do it tonight. He would have to put an end to Shoto so that he could finally be happy again. As soon as Shoto was dead, Touya could be the perfect one again.

     When Rei called for lunch, Touya walked down the hall with Fuyumi. Enji was behind him and must have caught a glimpse of burns. All Touya knows is that one moment Touya was going to get lunch and the next he was grabbed, turned, and his shirt was yanked up. He had tried to hide that he was training, Enji used to either slap him or spank him everytime he found out. Somehow his father always finds out about stuff he doesn't want him to know.

     "You're training again? I told you to stop! You're burning yourself and you're irresponsible! I told you, you are done! You will never surpass All Might! When Shoto grows up, he will be the one to do this!" Enji shouted.

     By this point, Rei had come out of the kitchen. She was holding Shoto in her arms with Natsuo and Fuyumi hiding behind her legs. As soon as he saw Shoto, he just got so angry so he turned his attention back to Enji.

     "I don't care about all that! You did this to me! I want to surpass All Might! Look at me Endeavor!" Touya shouted, pushing his father aside.

     Blind with rage and envy his fist ignited in fire, he ran towards his mother, fully intent on killing his baby brother. Before he could, he felt the icy chill of his mother's quirk. She put out his flame to protect Shoto. After all of that, Touya was never allowed around Shoto and he was under constant supervision to make sure he never trained again. All because of a brother's envy.

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