Coded Cosmic Determination

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Omnipotent nodded, before he activated his Omnithorn form, erupting with power as he then went to 45%, lighting erupted from every hole in his body with him already beginning to melt away. Error666 covered his eyes from the sheer power. And now that he is using his Conduit Soul, he is drawing the willpower from others in order for strengthen himself, and thus, the melting was not as bad as before.

"Wow Ares, you've gotten a lot stronger since the last time you fought 404 in that form. I bet if you faced off against that creature and 404 again the fight would have different results. You really are amazing."

Omnipotent, as he continues to attack 100, spoke out.

"Your not the only one who trains you know. Speaking of fights though, we should come up with a plan to attack this thing. That form have any secrets?"

Error666 shook his head.

"No, as you remember that this form is only a combination of Error and Error404's power, and while it increased isn't that much compared to 100. Maybe if I was summoned earlier and 100 is made of metal, the outcome would have been different. And unfortunately...Warlock isn't here. And I think that this time, I don't think there's much we can do against against 100 at this state.

This made Omnithorn mad, as he spoke out.

"Great, we now have to fight without Warlock."

Error666 nodded, as a voice spoke out inside of his head.

"But maybe I can add some more tricks.

When that happened, Error666 spoke out.


Then, a black shockwave erupted from Error666, as it knocked Omnithorn a little bit, as well as 100, although he only skid back, as a familiar black substance began to cover Error666, making the shirt and the stripes on the pants red, before the teeth became sharp and separate, yet still being yellow, with the eyes red and blue rings again but now with a yellow pupil in the center of the socket. Eyes also appear onto the hood.

Just666, now no longer in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form, looked at himself, as he then spoke out.

"Damn, the form is only as strong as Excalibur, except slightly above it. Well, better then nothing. HEY, MINDLESS RAGE BEAST!!!!"

Just666 then shouted at 100, which caught his attention, as Just666 spoke out

"Your fight is with us now!"

Just666 smiled, as 100 roared and screamed at him, before charging at him.

The Omega Timeline inhabitants looked, as an Asriel spoke out in fear, holding onto his mother.

"Mama, we're not gonna die, are we?"

Core looks at the scene before her, as she spoke out.

"Oh Will, please."

Just666 and Omnithorn looked up at the Beast of Rage, as they then got ready for the fight of their lives. 100 then appeared behind them and punched Omni into the ground while Just666 jumped back and used strings to trip up 100 causing him to fall. Omni then flew high up and threw a large Zeus thunderbolt at 100 that exploded on impact. They both watched as the smoke cleared only for 100 to still be standing. Just666, smirking, goes to 100 and continues to punch and kick him in the head, as 100 is continuously getting attacked and hurt all over. He then jumped into the air, as he summoned a Blaster, now corrupted by Just666, as he then spoke out.

"Take this. MALWARE BLASTER!!!"

The blaster fired at 100, as 100 raised his arms to block against the attack, and 100 did all that he could. But then, 100 noticed that his own arms are starting to turn black, as if they are rotting from the blast. 100, in pure rage, fired his Pure Uncontrollable Blast at Just666, who barely avoided the attack. Then, 100 launched up at Just666, as he punched him in the gut, sending him back down to the ground, before Omnithorn leapt up at him and punched him hard, only for 100 to make a shockwave and sends Omnithorn launching towards Just666, who used his strings to catch him.

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