Very Obviously Wrong

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This time around, it was a lot easier. I don't know why. Maybe because I knew that it was only two weeks... And because we weren't living some drama from hell. Nobody was writing rude shit about me, and I could actually go about my day in peace. Who would've guessed that my mental health would be a lot better without Biersackgate? Not me, that's for sure.

Anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah, I bought a VIP ticket to Andy's final concert, here in LA. I didn't tell him. I wanted to surprise him.

He never asked me to come to one of his concerts. I wonder why? Well, I guess that we never really forced our work on the other. I don't know. I am excited to see the man in action again. The last time I was at his concert, I was dating Michael and I didn't really care for this kind of music. We didn't have good tickets either, so I really didn't get a good look at my future husband back then. If past Sophie had only known that she was standing 200 feet away from her soul mate, she would've climbed over all the other fans and crawled on stage to get her man sooner. To be fair, had past Sophie done that, she would've been dragged out of there by security and her future husband might have filed a restraining order against her. Who knows?

Future Sophie is currently sitting on Sam's couch and rocking Theo while Sam vacuums the apartment.

"Your mommy really likes to sing, huh?" I asked the cooing baby in my arms.

I could hear her singing along to the music in her earphones, though it was muffled by the sound of the vacuum. I hummed along to the song while absentmindedly rocking Theo. Apparently, he didn't think my humming was good because he started crying.

"Shhhh, I'll stop don't worry, little guy. Sam? Can you take him?" I raised my voice, hoping she'd hear me. Then I remembered she had earphones in, so I stood up and brought the crying baby to her.

"What's wrong?" She asked, turning off the vacuum and taking out the earphones.

"He hates my singing..." I muttered, handing her the baby.

"No, he's probably just hungry, aren't you?" She put her finger in front of his mouth and he started sucking on it a little bit. We went to the living room, and she sat on the couch, taking off her shirt. She started breastfeeding him and he calmed down instantly.

"See?" She smiled at me.

"Are you some sort of baby whisperer?" I asked in awe.

"Nah. A mother just knows. You'll see soon enough."

"Okay, but I'm holding you to that," I chuckled.

"Do you want to watch something? I'm pretty much done with vacuuming anyway."

"Sure, what did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Your choice," she shrugged.

We put on The Umbrella Academy and watched the entire first episode. Sammy was holding Theo. He fell asleep soon after being fed. I only held him for a minute, so she could put her shirt back on.

After the episode ended, I volunteered to make dinner. I wanted to make us an omelette, but as soon as the eggs started sizzling on the pan, the smell that hit my nostrils had me doubling over in nausea. I removed the pan and turned off the stove. I drank a glass of water, hoping I'd start feeling better. The smell of eggs was still in the air, and as soon as I inhaled it through my nose, another wave of nausea hit me like a train. I excused myself and ran to Sam's bathroom. I emptied out my stomach in the toilet. She knocked on the door and I told her she could come in.

"You know, this kind of seems familiar," she noted.

"Yeah, but you were pregnant. I might be coming down with something. It would probably be best if I went home. We don't want Theo catching whatever it is that I have."

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah. Can I just brush my teeth real quick?" I asked, flushing the toilet.

"Yeah, of course. Your toothbrush is under the sink."


I brushed my teeth and then I drove home. It was weird but I stopped feeling sick as soon as I stepped out into the fresh air. It was still the wisest choice, in my opinion. Babies have no immune system, so in case I am ill, it could be dangerous for the child.

Sam's words were at the back of my mind for the rest of the day. Throwing up once wasn't enough of a red flag for me to be considering actually being pregnant, right? Nah.

I googled the symptoms just in case, and I didn't find myself in any of them. I think.

The next day, I was feeling alright, no nausea whatsoever, so I visited Sam after work.

"Feeling better?" She asked me when I entered the apartment.

"Much. So, I googled pregnancy symptoms yesterday, and I am definitely not pregnant."

"You do know that those don't apply to every pregnancy, right?" She asked.

"I don't even know where this idea of me being possibly pregnant came from," I scoffed.

"Soph, it came from you. I just said that yesterday's situation looked familiar. I never said I thought you were pregnant. Your brain is the one making you paranoid."

"Well, it should stop. Because I am not. I can't be. Now is not a good time for me to be pregnant. I've got a lot shit to get done at work. And I still smoke. And we agreed that we'd start trying only after I finally got my period, so I could track my ovulation. Also, we agreed that we'd start trying after Andy's tour. When we'd have already stopped smoking. So, no. It's not possible. I am not pregnant." I shook my head confidently.

"First off, you are rambling, and you only do that when you're nervous. Second, girl, the baby won't wait for you to stop smoking and for Andy to stop touring. Are you crazy? And third, do you not track your periods already? You're a grown ass ma'am, for God's sake." She asked, exasperated with me.

"Well, I haven't felt the need to. My periods used to always be late, and it used to stress me out, so I don't need that in my life," I shrugged.

"Okay, but how late?" She asked.

"I don't know, because I don't track them anymore. You are honestly such a bad listener, Samantha. Usually, they used to be like a week late or something, back in college."

"And how late would you say that you're now?" She asked, her eyebrow raised.

"I don't know, Samantha. I think my last period was around the time the pregnancy rumour started surfacing. I remember thinking that I should just send them a picture of my bloody tampon or something."

"That's gross, Sophie. Don't be gross like that. And also... THAT WAS LIKE ALMOST THREE MONTHS AGO, ARE YOU CRAZY?" She whisper-shouted, in order not to wake the sleeping baby.

"You don't have to shout at me, Samantha. I probably got my period in between, but I just don't remember. In case you've forgotten, the past few months have been stressful."

"Ma'am, you are going to drive to the pharmacy downtown and buy a pregnancy test this instant. Don't make me ask Ronnie to get one for you. We both know that would be embarrassing for you."

"Sam, I am not pregnant, God damn it. Just because I vomited once... Ugh, stop giving me your mom look, Samantha. God damn it, okay, fine. I'll get that stupid test but just to prove you wrong and shut you up," I groaned, got up and drove off.

I was back at her place half an hour later. I showed her the stupid pregnancy test and then went to the bathroom. I peed on the stupid stick and waited five minutes. I looked at the stupid result and was fully expecting to see that I was right, and that Sam was very obviously wrong.

Cliché (Andy Biersack)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora