Chapter 15: Something To Do

Start from the beginning

He eyed me skeptically. "Mr. Smith, that's.. um..."

Before he could make up some bullshit excuse to keep me here longer than I wanted, I grabbed my things from my desk and stuffed them in my bag.

"Fuck this." I mumbled before pushing my seat back and walking to the door. I was a bit pissed since I knew for a fact Dean had left already. The man only had about five classes a day, not to mention his lunch break.
A sent a quick text to Ciara, telling her I was leaving before stuffing my phone back in my pocket and making my way to the exit.

I wasn't going to go straight there though. I had to get a few things. Dean and I can have sex at anytime, anywhere really, but making love, that's more like a special thing.

For once, I'd like to make it romantic. I'm not really the type to give chocolates and roses with a large teddy bear to a loved one, but I am one who can receive it. And Dean has always been the one to start things between us recently. This should be my little way of saying that all of the things he do for me are highly appreciated.

So tonight, I will be Chris Smith; The Sap! There'll be roses, flowers, some other candy besides chocolates since that's so played out.

Tonight I'm going all out, and Dean will absolutely love it! I cant wait to see the look on his face when he sees what I got for him.

His face will be priceless!



"You look sharp." He complimented with a devious smile. I felt my cheeks go up in flames as his eyes stayed glued on me until I reached him by his car. Before I could utter a word, he was wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into his chest.

It wasn't long until he placed those lips I've grown fond of on my own.

"You kids come back before ten! Bye Char Char!" Dean yelled from the door before slamming it shut.

Reminder: Kill Dean by embarrassing him in front of Chris.

"You're right. He is a joker." He grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips to place a kiss on my knuckles. As I always, I blushed. He seems always know how to make me do that. Being the gentleman he is, he led me to the passager door and held it open for me to get in.

Once settled in, he jogged to the other side and hopped in. "Ready?" He asked. I gave him a nod of confirmation before he started up the car and began to drive us there.

As soon as I saw the place, I mentally slapped myself. Of course the banquet would be held in some large building that had valet parking and a red carpet. I felt like I was at a movie premiere.

Before stepping out, Paul placed a kiss on my cheek and have my hand a comforting squeeze.

When we got passed the glass doors and entered the large building, the first thing I saw was the fancy chandeliers that hung beautifully from the ceiling. Next was the colors. Almost everything was a creme color, except for the curtains which were burgundy.

Paul was stopped and greeted a bunch of times before we actually made it to our table. All the women had fancy dresses on with expensive and name branded heels. Their make up was rich, as were their hair.

I felt so out of place here. These people looked like they went on cruises when they're bored and flown in jets just for fun.

And I'm just the guy who secretly still watches Hannah Montana while eating a bowl of frosted flakes in my pajamas on the couch in the dark.

"Paul." Some guy smiled. He had brown hair with green eyes and a button nose. Paul flashed him a smile before giving him a bro hug.

The way the guy hugged him back looked more than just friendly. It looked intimate even. The jerk actually had the balls to flash a quick grimace at me before pulling away with a false smile.

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