Chapter 254: A Fire in the Strawberry Field

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Translator: Lonelytree

It was late at night, and there was no light. Only the bugs could be heard.

A figure walked out of the village entrance. He was holding an old-fashioned flashlight with a few things in his hand. The figure was moving towards Tai Ping Field. Tai Ping Field belonged to the Xiao Family... except for the few patches owned by the few families who didn't rent their land to Xiao Lingyu. The land was covered in strawberries, peanuts, and soybeans!

Because of the strawberry business and its high value, Xiao Lingyu hired four men to take turns to guard it. It was to stop thieves and to prevent people from causing damage!

Every section of the road had street lamps, and the greenhouse was also equipped with sun lamps. The sun lamps were very bright. It illuminated everything inside the shed.

The figure didn't walk towards the street lamps. Instead, he wandered towards the location where the darkness was thickest. However, the street lamps still illuminated his faint shadow. The figure passed through a small ridge and then arrived at the side of the river.

The river was not big, only two or three times wider. The water wasn't rapid, but the river was uneven with deep spots and shallow spots. It was dangerous to cross the river at night.

There were many cedar trees planted on both sides of the river. Cedar trees were famous for their piercing leaves.

There was a small path that cut through the middle of the river. But if one wanted to wade through the river, one had to brave the cedar trees and the dangerous water.

The figure stood beside the river and hesitated. Then, he walked down the path in the middle of the river.

"Ouch!" However, the night was too dark, and the flashlight was weak, so he was stabbed by the cedar leaves. He cried out in pain.

However, he immediately covered his mouth. Then, he carefully made his way across the stream. Soon, he arrived before a large water pipe.

The pipe was installed a few years ago when the fields were a little dry. It was used to pump water with an engine. Water flowed through this pipe from the river into the fields.

The diameter of the big pipe was about 30 centimeters. During low tide, it would be fully exposed. Many children liked to walk on it when the river was shallow.

This figure bent down and used the pipe to guide his away across the river. The other side of the river was Tai Ping Field.

After getting on the riverbank, there was a lush grass patch. Bending his body, the figure carefully walked through the grass patch.

He had completely hidden thanks to the night.

There were four guards, and each of them guarded a corner. However, there would be loopholes since the field was so large.

The person carefully avoided the guards. He found his way to a patch of dry land in Tai Ping Field. The patch was about three Fen large.

The figure poured some liquid onto the land and then ignited a lighter.

The faint light from the lighter shone on the person's face, revealing a sinister and dangerous smile.

He said with a ferocious expression, "Xiao Lingyu and Xiao Family, we'll see how much you'll lose this time."

After saying that, he threw the lighter onto the ground.

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