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As I woke up, I hurriedly wash my face and brush my teeth ready for this day. Then I remember last night, I got scolded by aunt Irene about how worried she is and to my relief i didn't die.

Tok took I heard knocking then, "Good morning Y/N are you awake? Come out now, will eat breakfast." Seulgi said from the other side of the door. "I'll be there in a minute!" I shouted back.

I enter our dining room and all of them are sitting, I guess waiting for me, cause they didn't touch their food yet.

"Sit now Y/N or just stand there." Aunt Irene spoked. Because I'm scared of her I quickly sit down.

After eating they go to there work one by one. Of course, aunt Irene was the last one and warned me "You can go out but be here at 6, I'm warning you." I nodded my head as she closed the door.

"Now, what should I do?" I asked my self. Going upstairs to my room I sit on my bed and look around.

I see some of my paintings hanging on the wall, at the side of my cabinet there's a switch and I didn't noticed this since then. Walking to the switch and turn it up, I thought there will be a shaking but no.

When I got bored in my room I go out and got surprised when a stair was hanging infront of me. Standing there don't know where this thing came from and suddenly I remember the switch.

In an instant I run inside my room and switch off the switch then go outside and yes, I was right its from the switch.

Climbing up through the stair appear to be a dusty room with stock of boxes that are not use for over a years already. I reach the top and dust off my pants.

I open the box beside me, the dust was flying everywhere making me cough and hard to breath. Inside the box are books that have autograph from the same person.

I decided to rummage to another box and nothing has spot my interest. There's only one box left unopen and it's almost 6. I'm about to open the box when my aunt called that caught me by surprise.

"Y/N! are you home?." I quickly jumped from the top to the bottom of the stairs and THUD. "Ooww" standing again and laughing I turn off the switch and hurried to where my aunt is.

"Ow Y/N, you didn't get out for the first time" she said holding the bags that full of foods i think. I'm contemplating if I should tell her about the room upstairs or not. I come to conclusion that I'll just shut up."What's that auntie?" i asked cause I'm a little hungry and it's smells delicious.

"It's food, i bought it for you and the others. Unpack this and put it in the table and will wait to your aunties." Unpacking the food and place it on the table neatly, the door open and my four aunties get inside.

"Smells delicious, what's today?", "Will have amazing feast today?", "What's the occasion?". Aunt Irene was bombarded with questions. I just looked as aunt shush at them. "No there's is no occasion or something, I just bought foods that's it. Let's eat now, I'm already hungry waiting on all of you."

I finished washing the dishes and walk to my room. As I was thinking deeply if I should open the last box tonight, aunt Irene open the door and get inside.

"My shower was not working, Can I borrow your bathroom Y/N?", "Yes, sure" I replied browsing at my phone completely forgetting about the room upstairs.

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