Jaune skywalker

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Jaune gets abandoned by his friends and disowned by his father soon regrets jaune gets teleported and aged to a child were he ends up on tatooine where shmi skywalker found him and adopted him now jaune has a new family soon jaune and anakin meet a jedi named qui gon jinn who tested both jaune & anakin blood to see their Midichlorian count anakin has 20,000 while jaunes Midichlorian count was higher then anakins years later both as teenagers going to protect padme amidala then soon generals in the clone wars but very soon both skywalkers were going to fight the sith lord then there was a explosion in the force and old friends and family along with enemies are teleported to coruscant.

(In the clone wars anakin and jaune along with their team are hunting down the malevolence)

Old name:
Jaune arc

New name:
Jaune skywalker

Jedi rank:
Jedi knight

Midichlorian count:

Jedi adventure robe

General clothing:
(Just like anakin but change the blue to white and red to yellow)

Lightsaber color:

Lightsaber forms:
Form 3 soresu
Form 4 ataru
Form 7 vaapad

Masters train under:
Obi wan kenobi
Mace windu
Cin drallig
Shaak ti

Force Abilities:
Force push
Force dash
Force focus
Force jump
Force healing
Force senses/force meditation
Force deflection
Force crush
Mind trick
Taming beast
Force Absorption
Force vision

His brother obi wan yoda jedi council
Jedi order ahsoka rex cody and protecting the republic

The sith corrupt senators death watch hutts criminals the separatists and palpatine

Love intrest:
Aayla secura

Other parrings:
Anakin x padme
Obi wan and Duchess Satine
Ahsoka and rex

jaune arc stories ideas vol 2Where stories live. Discover now