Mystery jedi arc

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Jaune gets abandoned by his friends and disowned by his father soon regrets jaune gets teleported to a galaxy far far away soon trained by a force  ghost that knows the light and darkside of the force jaune jaune becomes a jedi soon he meets 2 jedi name obi wan and anakin and soon old friends and family along with enemies get teleported to the galaxy.


Lightsaber color:

Lightsaber design:
(2 lightsabers connects to a double lightsaber)

Force Abilities:
Force push
Force Lightning
Force grip
Force choke
Force repulse
Force healing
Force meditation
Force deflection
Force Absorption
Force jump
Force dash

Lightsaber combat forms:
Form 1-shii-cho
Form 2-makashi
Form 3-soresu
Form 4-ataru
Form 5-djem so/shien
Form 6-niman
Form 7-juyo/vaapad
Form 8-jar'kai

Rogue shadow

Love intrest:
Aayla secura

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