Jedi arc

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Jaune gets abandoned by his friends and disowned by his father soon regrets jaune gets teleported to a galaxy far far away and deaged to a kid where he was found by the jedi and trained in the jedi arts soon he learn about the inhibitor chips and a order he shuts them down in secret spon sidious was on the run the jedi order found his hiding location and it was remnant jaune old life is going to be surprised.

(Jaune the one to fight sidious instead of mace and the other 3 masters)


Legendary jedi

Lightsaber color:

Lightsaber design:
Split saber

Lightsaber forms:
Form 8 jar'kai
Form 7 vaapad
Form 4 ataru

Force Abilities:
Force push
Force jump
Force senses/force meditation
Force dash
Force bond
Force focus
Force healing
Taming beast
Mind trick
Force Absorption
Force deflection
Force visions

(Looking for Palpatine with him)
Obi wan kenobi
Mace windu
Anakin skywalker(helping him return to the light)

Clone armys:
501st army
212th army
187th army

Love intrest:
Aayla secura

Dooku solar sailor
(Stole it when dooku was alive)

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