Arc savior of the jedi

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Jaune gets abandoned by his friends and disowned by his father soon regrets jaune gets teleported to a galaxy and turn into a kid soon he was trained as a jedi soon after order 66 he rounded up all surviving jedi and made a portal back to remnant where they found a temple to rebuild the jedi temple soon found a relic that could revive the dead soon old friends and a headmaster found the temple and a old friend.


Lightsaber color:
1 lightsaber

Lightsaber forms:
Form 1 and form 6


Force Abilities:
Force push
Force jump
Force dash
Force deflection
Force Absorption
Force focus
Force healing

Relic of creation:
Look up all jedi who died in order 66
And in episode 2 and during the clone wars

Jedi survivors:
The list is long
(Look up on youtube the lore master and the video all jedi survived order 66)

Know jedi:
(In cannon comics)
Jocastu nu
Eeth koth
Kirak infil'a
Ferren barr

Rebel alliance
Clones(that the jedi made or disobey order 66)

Love intrest:
Aayla secura

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