3: To Catch Is To Befriend

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It was 2 hours later that we all decided to head to the park with our new Pokémon. Jaiden had messaged me beforehand saying that he wanted to see what other Pokémon my family had gotten.

"Alrighty, does everyone have what they need?" I asked around, tugging on my small bag, careful not to cause Eevee to fall off my shoulder. Everyone nodded.

We'd all brought along our Pokéballs just in case we saw a Pokémon that we wanted. Heck, I didn't even know if Pokémon were here in the wild. My theory was proven correct when Jack gasped loudly and began pointing at something.

"LOOK! There's a ton of WOOLOO!" He proclaimed, bouncing on his heels excitedly. My mum noticed the small herd of fluffy sheep a fair distance away and shook her head with a smile.

"Jack, focus for a second. I promised Dad that we'd find out our Pokémon's moves first. Otherwise, he'll combust..." I huffed, also itching to add another team member. Jack sighed and turned away from the herd.

"And how do you plan to do that?" Jaiden suddenly asked, hands on his hips. When did he get there?

"Hey Jay! I'll figure it out, don't worry." I replied, the question suddenly seeming a lot more difficult than I'd initially thought it would be.

"Well? What Pokémon did your family get?" Jaiden queried excitedly, moving to stand beside me.

"Oh. Right. OK, well, Jack has a Charmander, Georgie has a Bounsweet, my mum has a Ralts, and my dad has a Gible..." I pointed to each of my family as I recalled their Pokémon.

"Awesome!! This is Rotom, by the way. Cool, huh?" Jaiden pointed to his side, where a Rotom hovered.

"Very cool." Georgie said, holding her Bounsweet in her arms carefully. At least she was co-operating with this.

"I don't think Dad can.. uh. Wait any more. Let's just get this over with." Jack pointed out, laughing at my dad's expression.

"Why? What's happened to him?" Jay asked curiously, seeming a bit taken aback.

"Well.. I told him that Pokémon could be taken into battle. And, uh, it kind of just kicked off from there." I replied sheepishly, scratching the back of my head.

"Vee Vee.." Eevee muttered, letting out a small exhale.

"Their Dad loves quite... violent games. If that gives a little hint. He's not crazy, I promise." My mum laughed, shaking her head. Jaiden nodded slowly.

"Alright.. well, unless he doesn't snap out of his daydream, then he won't be able to battle anyone." Jaiden shrugged, tutting to himself.

"Emilyy, please, can I go catch a Wooloo?" Jack whined, looking at me with pleading eyes. I rolled my eyes with a grin.

"Fine. Come on then. Jay? Could you perhaps.. you know?" I nudged my arm in the direction of the rest of my family, specifically my dad.

"Oh, uh... sure, I can try! Don't take too long." Jaiden responded, staring at me then back to face my mum, dad, and Georgie.

"Let's GO!" Jack cried out, skipping off in the general direction of the herd of Wooloo.

"Jack, wait!! Get back here." I tugged on his hand before he managed to get out of reach. He looked at me with a 'why did you stop me' look.
"You need to be stealthy and quiet! Otherwise, the Wooloo will run off."

"How am I meant to approach them then? There's nowhere to hide." Jack sulked, looking around aimlessly. I glanced around, nothing but grass and pathways.

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