Chapter 20: Lobster Claws/Moth Wand ( Part 1 )

Start from the beginning

Star: Um, this is the part where you fight back.

Lobster Claws: ( sobbing: ) Blast me! Do it!

Star yelped in response, and Mera looked at Lobster Claws in worry.

Marco: ( to Lobster Claws: ) Um... Are you okay?

Lobster Claws: Well, uh, the thing is... ( Sobbing: ) Master Ludo fired me! I can never show my face on Mewni again!

Marco: ( to Star and Mera: ) Oh, man. He's taking this really hard.

Mera: ( to Lobster Claws: ) Oh, you poor thing... Wait here, I'm going to get you some cookies to hopefully cheer you up a little.

Mera then ran inside the house.

Star: Mera! Don't give him cookies! This is probably just a monster trick. ( Sighs ) I swear, Marco, she's too sweet for her own good.

Marco: Uh, Star, I don't think he's faking it. We should do something.

Star: Like what? 

( Meanwhile with Mera, inside the house )

Mera had prepared a plate of cookies and a glass of milk for Lobster Claws with a soft smile, then she walked outside and...

Star: ( to Marco and Lobster Claws: ) What? That's crazy! Monsters...are...evil! It's just their nature.

Lobster Claws: No, it's not! Look!

Lobster Claws sets the squirrel he was holding, done on the ground, and the squirrel friendly chitters.

Marco: ( to Star: ) See? And isn't Mera a monster? She's not evil.

Lobster Claws: Yeah!

Star: That's different. Mera has been around mewmans her whole life.

Mera then walked in the scene, and acted like she didn't hear anything that Star said about monsters being evil, and she hands Lobster Claws the plate of cookies and glass of milk.

Mera: Here you go, I hope theses can cheer you up a bit. I can't believe Ludo would just do that to you.

Lobster Claws sat down on the ground with the plate of cookies and glass of milk in his claws.

Lobster Claws: I know, right? I made one mistake and boom! He gets rid of me like I'm a piece of trash!

Marco: ( to Star: ) Well, maybe Mera can rub off on him.

Star: ( Whispers to Marco, thinking Mera couldn't hear her: ) Or he could rub off on Mera, sense this is the first monster other than Granny Baker, she has interacted with in her life. Yeah, I ain't risking that, Marco, she's like a sister to me, plus look at her. She's a sweet, innocent, cupcake with a tail, I can't let anything bad happen to her or let anyone corrupt her.-

Mera: I can hear you know, Star.

Lobster Claws: ( to Mera: ) Is the princess always like this?

Mera: She's just being protective of me, I'm used to it.

( A few moments later )

Mera was left at the Diaz Household while Star and Marco left with Lobster Claws to try to show him how to be good. Mera was sweeping the floors of her room and Angel was asleep on her bed, when her tail accidentally knocks Moth-Moth down.

Mera: ( gasps ) Moth-Moth!

Mera quickly dropped the broom and picked up the moth plush.

Mera: Clumsy me- ( notices something on the back of one of the moth plush's wings ) Huh? What the?-

Mera hears something breaking downstairs, and she puts Moth-Moth down on her bed, and went downstairs to the living room and quickly knew that things didn't go well by the looks on Star, Marco, and Lobster Claws 's faces.

Mera: I'll go make some cookies to cheer you three up.

Mera then calmly walked into the kitchen and started grabbing the baking utensils.

Mera: ( silently, to self: ) Why do I have a feeling that Star is planning something that's going to lead to chaos?


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

A Moth and a Butterfly, Sisters by Heart ( A Svtfoe fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now