But that cold stare couldn't hurt my feelings at all, "I was waiting for the crowd to be cleared so that I'll go home peacefully but then I heard a sound from the music room so that's why I'm here."

"It's already cleared now you should go home," she said. I shook my head and she gave me a confused look.

"Did you ride here?" I asked.

She shocked her head.

"Since your fingers are injured I'll drive you home," I said.

"It's just a finger, I could still ride home normally," she rejected my offer. Coldly.

This girl has a very bad attitude.

I don't expect her to be nice to me because we just know each other but I don't think she's being mean by personality.

By choice?


My mind is totally racing with thoughts on how to answer her. I have to say something somehow. At this point, I've been staring at her for too long.

"Look," I said. "something is totally bothering you."

"No, there isn't," she disagreed.

"Liar," now that caught her off guard. I didn't mean to say that.

"What I meant is that something is bothering you that's why you could get the right note with your violin," I said.

"I know we just met but I can help get some stress out for you," her eyebrows fuse.


"I'll drive you home and if you're interested I'll pick you up at 6:40 and give you a ride around the city so you'll get some fresh air and mind off things," I explained.

"How bout that?" I try to look for her eyes.

"You sure?" She asks.

"Yes," I reassure her.

She looks at me without saying anything which clearly got me anxious. I try to keep my face straight but I don't know if I could do that any longer if she won't stop looking at me with those eyes.

"Okay," she finally agreed.

"Now get up, I'll take you home," I help her up.

She went and packed her stuff then turned around to face me again.

"I'm done," she said before walking towards the door as I did the same thing.

I follow her from behind. She's walking calmly with her brunette hair lowly flowing from behind.

I think I'll admit over and over again before I even see her with that violin.

She looks beautiful with everything.

No matter how frustrated she played that violin or how hard she plays it and how she walks so calmly and slowly at her pace, she looks peaceful.

The reason I approach her so casually from the first time is because I strangely feel a calm aura from her that brings me comfort.

Hitting her with my motorcycle that day was not in my moto and I wanna punch myself for that.

She looks like she's pissed but she keeps her cool and doesn't even yell at me. Common people would've bleed my ears with the yelling but she has so much patience.

She suddenly stopped walking and turned to me. I realize we're already at the parking lot so I walk to the spot where I park my motorcycle.

As I got it out I suddenly remembered something.

"How you get here this morning." I asked.

"Elle drove me this morning, I was planning to call a taxi to get home," she said.


I got my motorcycle out and got on. She got on behind me after.

"Hold on right," I warned her.

"I'll be okay," she confidently answers.

I put on my helmet before I started the motorcycle and drove at a sudden speed which surprised her until she hugged me tightly to hold her balance.

I smirk under the helmet.

I quickly turn right and we're now in a neighborhood which is where the house is at.

"Where do I turn next?" I asked.

"Turn right," she answers.

I do as she said. After I turned right we drove past a couple of houses until she tapped my shoulder, "we're here."

I hold the brake and stop in front of a house that is decorated with almost everything green.

When I say green I mean emerald green type.

She got off the motor and looked at me.

"You like green?" I asked.


"I'll pick you up at 6:45," I reminded her.

"Okay," she turned around and walked toward the door.

I watched her go inside and close the door before I started the engine and drove away.

Our Infinity ( Endless Galaxy #1 )Where stories live. Discover now