1. A Florist and A French Spy

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Here's the thing about drama: Adam Young and The Them loved it.

They knew the business of everyone at Tadfield Highschool: the students, the teachers. The families of said students and teachers. They knew about every couple, breakup, and fight before anyone else - and no one knew how they did it. It was just a fact of the school: if it happened, The Them knew.

But the gossip-collecting talents of The Them wasn't the only fact of Tadfield Highschool - it was also well known that the only people who had any control over Adam Young and his friends were Mr. Fell and Mr. C. The soft spoken English teacher and the strict, no nonsense music teacher were always quick to shut the rambling mouths of The Them.

So when Principal Device and Vice Principal Pulsifer were seen kissing in a back hallway one Monday morning in spring, it was Adam Young who first ran through the halls, gleefully proclaiming the news to anyone who would listen.

And it was Mr. Fell who grabbed Adam by the arm and pulled him into his classroom.

Unlike the rest of the generic, sterile school, Mr. Fell's room was cluttered and cozy. Hundreds of books lined three walls of shelves, with more in piles, on desks, and in various baskets around the space. The room was so cluttered that the books seemed to have a mind of their own. On one memorable occasion, Adam had tried to sit down for exams, only to find that his seat had been taken by a mint first-edition copy of Pride and Prejudice.

He had been made to sit elsewhere.

Mr. Fell sat in the cushioned armchair behind his worn wooden desk and motioned for Adam to sit across from him. Pressing his hands together, he leaned toward Adam. The boy began to internally mourn the afternoons he would soon lose to after school detention.

A glint appeared in Mr. Fell's eye.

"Is it true?" he whispered conspiratorially.

"I- What?" Adam asked, baffled.

"Well, I heard what you were saying to the other students, and of course my first thought was to stop you from spreading harmful rumors, so I grabbed you and brought you in here. But now that you're here I can't help myself - I just have to know if it's true!"

"Yes... yeah, it's true," Adam said slowly, wondering if this was a trap. "I saw it m'self."

"Oh, isn't that wonderful? I'm just so happy for them!" Mr. Fell smiled, putting a hand to his chest. "And Crowley owes me 50 pounds," he murmured to himself triumphantly.

After a moment, he seemed to remember himself, and schooled his features into a passable imitation of a stern expression. "Now, don't let me catch you spreading gossip like that again, young man." He struggled not to grin. "If you have any news, tell me first. Now, go to your next class."

Adam stumbled out of the room, mildly confused but extremely relieved that he would still have free afternoons.

"What was that about?" asked Pepper. The Them stood outside the door, having been waiting for their leader.

"I- d'you know what, I'm not actually sure." Adam replied.

"Mr. Fell is pretty strange. Then again, he is an English teacher," Brian said thoughtfully. The rest of Them murmured agreement. English teachers were always a bit weird in the head.

"Right, well, we've got maths next," sighed Brian. Wensleydale nodded, and the two of them plodded off down the hall. Pepper followed soon after, heading to her leadership course.

As Adam turned to head to 10th grade history, he spotted Mr. C, wearing his usual leather jacket and dark sunglasses, striding purposefully down the hall.

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