Chapter 1: The Last of the Bunch

Start from the beginning

The military prepared for another assault against Godzilla in Central Park. Once Godzilla surfaced and entered the park, the military opened fire on him, sending him into retreat again. Godzilla dove into the Hudson River, where two Ohio-class submarines and one Los-Angles class sub were waiting for him. The submarines locked onto Godzilla and fired torpedoes at him while he attempted to burrow to safety. The torpedoes struck the monster, and he sank to the bottom of the river. The military declared Godzilla dead, and the city breathed a sigh of relief. 

Meanwhile, Philippe's team, secretly followed by Audrey and her cameraman Victor "Animal" Palotti, made their way through the subway tunnels under New York until they discovered Godzilla's nest inside Madison Square Gardens, which contained 228 eggs and a large supply of fish to feed the young. The eggs began hatching into Baby Godzillas, who caught the smell of fish on Nick and the others and began attacking them. Eventually, Nick and Philippe met up with Audrey and Animal, and they all boarded themselves inside the arena's media room. Using the broadcasting equipment, Audrey broadcast a live news report to the city showing the Baby Godzillas roaming through the arena and warning of the threat.

Major Anthony Hicks ordered three F-18 Hornet Jets to blow up the arena, and gave Nick and the others a brief window to flee. Using an assault rifle to shoot down chandeliers on the ceiling, Philippe cleared a path for himself and the others to escape just before the arena exploded with all the Baby Godzillas still inside.

The four believed they were finally victorious but were proven wrong when the still-living adult Godzilla rose up from under the street. After seeing the charred corpses of his young, Godzilla became enraged and started chasing the humans. They quickly hijacked a taxi and began fleeing from the monster, who chased them across the city. Nick established contact with the military, warning them that Godzilla was still alive. The taxi began luring Godzilla to the Brooklyn Bridge so that he could be easily targeted by the military, but the creature caught the cab in his mouth. 

Thankfully, they were able to electrocute the monster's mouth with jumper cables, making him roar in pain and allowing the cab to drive back out onto the bridge. Godzilla continued giving chase, jumping onto the bridge and quickly becoming ensnared in the suspension cables. With Godzilla trapped, the three F-18 Hornets flew overhead and unleashed their payload on the stationary monster. Godzilla roared out in pain, and after a number of direct hits finally collapsed to the ground. Nick stared into Godzilla's eyes as the monster breathed his last and finally died. New York immediately erupted into celebration, with the threat of Godzilla finally eliminated.

Nick was just walking the streets of New York, heading towards the Madison Square Gardens wreckage. However, there was much resistance. So, Nick made some noises by chucking rocks, and making them run towards it, with many weapons.

Nick headed down the caverns, and listened carefully. As he does, there were many flashes to the people who were studying the original Godzilla's body. However, he was full of guilt, being responsible for the death of this creature, and he exploded in anger yelling, "I STUDY LIVE SPECIMENS, NOT DEAD DISSECTION!!!!!"

Just then, a tiny cry was heard. Nick carefully made his way down a trench, and there, stuck under some rubble, was a little baby Godzilla.

Nick knew that if he just left this poor thing, it would be shot on sight. He couldn't let it happen again. He had to do something. So, Nick, being very careful, cleared the rubble off the baby, all while avoiding it's jaws. Nick noticed that the baby looked a bit thin. It must be starving. Nick then guided the Baby to an opening, and bought many fish for the thing to eat.

"Okay," said Nick, "Now to get you back to the wild."

As Nick thought, the Baby Zilla nuzzled him lovingly, and showing him much affection. Just then, he toughed on Nick's rain coat, and Nick had an idea.

The harbor was very crowded, and Nick guided this 'son' through the crowds.

"Okay son, right this way. Don't wonder off."

The Baby Zilla wasn't planning on leaving Nick anytime soon. He had imprinted on Nick. He now confirmed that this thing that helped him get away from the people with bang bang sticks and gave him fish, was his 'mother'. So, he made sure to keep close to him.

However, luck would not be on their side right now.

"Hey, you got any spare change?" asked a homeless man, talking to the Baby Zilla.

He then walks up to the disguised baby, and said, "Hey!! I'm talking to you!!"

He uncovered the hood, and jaws snapped at his hand. The man then screams, and Nick quickly leads the baby towards the water.

"Quick!! You have to go!! Into the water!! They'll kill you if you don't run!!"

But the Baby Zilla was not leaving. He just looked at Nick confused, and stubbornly, stood there, whining like a spoiled brat. However, Nick did something that he knew was the only thing that would save the baby. He started yelling at it, pushing him away, and even throwing rocks. The baby, heart broken, dives into the water, and hurries away. Nick then takes off, making sure that no one saw him.

He then climbs up to a pier, and said to himself, "I will find you. And I promise, I will help you find a place in this world."


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