I had no idea what any of it meant. I was so fucking confused but come on. I was a teenage guy getting to kiss his crush. I wasn't about to break this off for a dumb ass explanation. If anything, this could be a one off thing and if it was I wanted to get as much out of it as I could.

Timothy moaned when I grabbed his ass. He didn't pull away. We just kept making out. He started gently biting my lip. I was sent into ecstasy. There was absolutely nothing like it.

I ran my hands under his shirt. I remembered the dimples in his back that always drove me crazy and I wished we could go further. Could we?

I pulled Timothy's shirt up, slowly, just to make sure he wanted that.

"What's going on?" Timothy whispered, sending another wave of tingles down my spine.

"I-" My voice cracked.

T laughed at me.

"Shut up." I chuckled. "I just wanted to make sure you wanted to.."

"Wanted to..?"

"Come on, you know what I mean." I whispered.

Timothy started kissing my neck. "..You mean sex?"

I swear to you, I shivered. Then I nodded.

"I'm not sure.. It's pretty late." Timothy whispered as he pulled away from my neck.

It was sad but I actually felt desperate. What if this didn't happen right now? Then what?! Was I just supposed to rub one off and pretend that would satisfy me after this?!

"What about Allie?" Timothy whispered.

"I don't like her either way. You're not gonna break or spare her heart because I would never date her."

T still looked conflicted.

"If anything I'd probably find someone else off like.. craigslist and then both of us won't get what we want."

T chuckled at that. "Craigslist?"

"Handsome quarterback looking for cute emo with unnaturally blonde hair and big blue eyes. And a nice ass."

Timothy laughed again. I felt that hope rise in me.

I rubbed Timothy's thigh. He ran his hands over my head. I could see the desire clouding up his eyes.

Then he suddenly pulled away and stood up. I was worried he'd put an end to it but then he smirked at me and started playing with the cords on his shorts. Then he took off his hoodie.

"You can see if it fits." He said, a playful smirk on his lips.

My mouth had to have dropped a little. That prissy shy little emo boy had a lot more to say than I'd anticipated. He had a pretty dirty mouth for someone with such innocent eyes.

"Are you drunk or something?" I asked to be sure.

Timothy chuckled. "No. I just figured I've done enough thinking for one day."

"Smart move." I smirked as I took off my clothes.

Holy shit, this was really happening.

T stood across from me and as I dropped my pants his eyebrows raised just like when we were at camp.

"Did you forget?"

"I forgot.. just a few inches of it."

We chuckled and headed to the bed. Timothy took off his shirt so he was only wearing his shorts now.

"Here." Timothy handed me a bottle. I squinted to read the label. Lube?

He chuckled upon seeing my expression. "Just.. in case you wanna keep me alive."

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now