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10:28am, August 2nd, 2001

When I was 8(not anymore) I didn't like the gloomy days. In fact, I hated them since I couldn't play outside. But now, now, I like these days. I can sit by the window and watch the droplets of rain race down. Or I can go outside and walk around and hear my shoes tap against the cold cement ground. Or explore an abandoned building. I think I've changed now, and I like it but I also hate it. I'm pretty sure my parents have noticed and they don't like it either. They don't like my 'attitude'.

Maybe because if I'm anything but happy, I have an attitude. I feel better, I feel calm, or I feel nothing when I'm alone but I kind of like it. I'm not saying I'd rather be alone, but when times like this come I don't hate it.

Okay, maybe I actually need to do something now and not just sit in my room. I guess I could help with something. Or try to.

Three hours later

I haven't got my first phone yet, so now I'd go and knock on my friends door.

Sarah answered.

"Oh, hey Aphenia! Are you here to see tom and bill?" She asks softly, she's always so nice. Especially to me. I've heard Tom complain to me about how Sarah is so loving to me, more than them. I feel bad sometimes.

"Yeah, if that's okay" I say, smiling lightly. She looks down at me. "You can come in if you want?" I accept her offer, of course.

"Thank you"

I walked to Bills room first, peeping in through the crack.(yes I said crack get over it)

He stopped, looking at me. "Aphenia?" He peeped his head over.

"Hey, I'm gonna hangout with you" I say, inviting myself into his room.

"Oh, guess what." He says, adjusting himself on the bed. He faces me. I wonder if he knows there's lipstick on the bottom of his lips.

"Hm?" I ask, sitting on his bed now.

"No, you have to guess."

"Just tell me"




"Uhm... are you dying your hair?"

"No, but that gave me an idea." He thinks about it, then remembers that's not the point. But I wouldn't be surprised, he's always doing something different. I like it.


"My mom said I could get a piercing somewhere. I haven't decided, but I know it's gonna be on my face." He smiles.

"Oh, a dermal would be cool."

"Hm, I'll think about it!' He said as he made a 'thinking' face.

I saw tom peep his head in, then glance at bill then me.

"Where did you come from?" He asks, as if I'm not supposed to be here.

"My mom"

"What-?" Man, he's so slow.

"I just came here like two minutes ago."

"oh" Tom responds plainly.

Bill looks at me, ending the awkward conversation with Tom. "Wanna watch something?" He suggests, searching through movies.

An hour later

I looked over to my side, Bill had fell asleep on my arm. He was painting my nails while I watched the movie and I guess when he was done he fell asleep, on my arm and still holding onto it. What now? I couldn't leave and wake him up, and I just didn't want to wake him up in general. Y'know what, whatever. I slid my arm out from under him and looked at my nails he had painted. A dark purple. I like purple.

I finished the movie while Bill was still napping next to me before Sarah came in the room. "Oh- hey, dinners ready. Hey Aphenia, did you want to stay for dinner?" She asks, resting her hand on the door frame.

"No I'm okay, thank you though."

"No problem, see you tomorrow maybe!" She nods and turns to walk to her kitchen. I think she's getting plates ready.

I waved, then turned to Bill shaking his shoulder.

"Bill, your mom said dinners ready. Also, I'm going home now, see you tomorrow..!"

"I'll get up, see you later..." He said groggily. I don't think he cared to eat. Or wake up.

"See you later." I walked out of his room, waving to Sarah on the way out.

I saw it was still raining, I can't remember what time is was now. But I decided to stand outside for a second, just because the rain always smelt nice. But I saw something. Someone.

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