Chapter 4.5

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Keefe walked down the staircase behind Sophie, chewing on his bottom lip. He was pretty sure he vaguely remembered Edaline saying that Sophie's father wasn't exactly fond of having boys over. He had a feeling this wasn't going to go very well.

As they approached the dining table, he noticed him. A big, strong guy with blonde hair like his own–except it was straight and combed neatly; very different from Keefe's unruly, curly locks. Keefe figured he'd come straight from work because he was dressed in a suit, his blue tie loose around his neck.

"Don't worry," Sophie said, reading his thoughts. "He might look intimidating but he's a real softie." She made her way over and hugged his neck. "Hey Dad!"

Her father immediately smiled at her. He squeezed her back, enveloping her in a bear hug. "Hey kiddo, how's my girl?"

"Great." She turned and gestured to me. "Dad, this is my art tutor. His name's Keefe Sencen."

He looked at me up and down. "Sencen? Are you Cassius's kid?"

I gulped. "Yes sir."

Sophie's parents looked at each other, an unspoken agreement made. Clearing his throat, he said, "Call me Grady. Welcome, Keefe, have a seat." I slid into the chair next to Sophie's, keeping my eyes down on the white plate.

"Let's say Grace," Edaline said. She reached for her husband's hand, taking Sophie's across the table. Grady took my hand with his rough one. And Sophie slid her hand into mine under the table, her gaze making my heart pick up speed as she smiled, no doubt remembering that moment at Walmart. I let out a shaky breath as I closed my eyes.

"Dear Lord, thank you for the food on our table, and blessed the hands that prepared it. And let us welcome our guest, Keefe." With a collective 'Amen', they opened their eyes and dug in.

"So, Keefe," Grady started as he swallowed a chunk of mashed potatoes. "How did you end up as my daughter's tutor?"

"Oh, Sophie–"

"Our teacher assigned it to him," Sophie cut in, shooting Keefe a death glare from the corner of her eye. Grady looked to him for confirmation.

"Yep. That's what happened." Was all Keefe added. Grady narrowed his eyes suspiciously, but Edaline changed the subject fast; by the meaningful expression on her face, Sophie must've told her already.

"So! How's dinner, Keefe?"

Keefe shoveled a fork full of spaghetti into his mouth, nodding enthusiastically. "It's great, Edaline. Thanks for the invite."

"Not a problem, honey. Sophie's friends are always welcome at the table." She emphasized the word 'friends', almost making Sophie choke on her food with laughter.

The rest of dinner was silent except for the sound of their utensils clinking and their chewing. Afterward, Keefe was just getting ready to leave when Grady pulled him aside.

"Okay, kid. Here's the deal: you date my daughter–"

"It's– it's not like that, sir," Keefe stuttered.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous, I can see the way you look at her. It's obvious. If you two start dating, you better not break her heart or you won't live to see another day."

Keefe nodded stiffly.

"And," Grady continued. "No kissing, no holding hands, and–"

"Keefe!" Sophie called. "C'mon, I'll drive you home."

"Got it, sir," Keefe mumbled, zooming out of the room as fast as he could. The embarrassment was too much to bear. During the car ride home, he pretended to be sleeping so he'd be left alone to his own thoughts.

Grady said it was obvious. Was it really? Did he really look at Sophie that way, or was her dad overreacting? Could people see it at school too, when he joked around with her in art class?

But this wasn't about whether other people could see it. It was about whether he had a...a crush on Sophie or not.

Did he? It had only been a week or so since they met. Could he have developed feelings for her already? He figured anyone would after spending time with her. How could they not? She had that gorgeous smile, those pretty eyes. Who said brown eyes weren't to die for? Brown was the color of honey, of amber and onyx. They were just as beautiful as any other.

Don't even get him started on her laugh, the one that would echo out into the sky and lift his lips up into a smile against his will. It was like magic, a magic he hated and loved at the same time. He hated the power she held over him without knowing it. He hated the way she'd always have the upper hand and smirk at him when she did, leaving him blushing like an idiot.

But most of all, Keefe hated the fact that his heart would race every time she looked his way.

It was time he faced it. He had a crush. A tiny crush, but a crush nevertheless.

"Keefe, it's your stop." Sophie shook his shoulder gently, peering at him through her lashes. Keefe rubbed his eyes.

"Thanks," he muttered, getting out of the car and scurrying to the door.

"See you on Monday?"

Keefe felt his lips turning up. Damn you Foster, and that sweet voice of yours.

"Yeah. See you on Monday, Foster."

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