"He might fall asleep in the car," Namjoon told his mother as he handed Alon over to her, then began searching the front closet for the kid's rain jacket. "He had a big day."

"Oh that's okay," Grandma, sung, albeit more to Alon rather than to Namjoon. "We're gonna have another big day tomorrow."

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here? I can come back early."

"No, no, no, honey," his mom finally looked at him, acknowledging his presence for the first time. "You deserve a little time off. Go have fun with your friends. Relax tomorrow. We can keep him until Sunday if you want."

Namjoon was both elated and horrified by the idea. Two whole nights without seeing his kid? He hadn't even gone a day without seeing him - not since he got him back...

It was a dream to have a little adult time - but it was also clear he hadn't quite gotten over the trauma from a year ago.

"No, mom, it's fine."

"Well, how about I'll come over and stay with you tomorrow night?" she offered. Her eyes began to now scan his tiny wartime house, which was still lined with unpacked boxes. "I can help you get settled."

Namjoon felt embarrassment flush his cheeks. There was nothing like a mother's love that could make a person feel so inadequate. It had only been a week since he moved in, so surely she could understand that he might have a few things left to do. He had at least gotten Alon's nursery all set up. The kitchen was in some sort of working order. And yes, there were boxes, but the place was still safe for a just-beginning-to-walk baby.

"I'm not judging, honey," she said remorsefully, picking up on his tension. "I just want to help."

"I don't need your help, mom," he groaned - but he also regretted it. Sure, he maybe didn't need her help, but it didn't mean he didn't want it. He knew his domestic skills as a bachelor would benefit from his mother's guidance - if only he could get over his pride to just ask for it.

"This place could use a woman's touch," she pressed.

That's not the only women's touch I could use, he chided to himself, then visibly cringed as he realized he had made a double-entendre about sex in the middle of a conversation with his mother. Damn, he really needed this night out...

"I've just been busy," he retorted. "I can do it."

"I know, sweetheart, but you don't have to do everything alone. We'll come back tomorrow just before nap and while he sleeps we'll just... sort a few things out. Won't it be nice to be settled before Monday?"

Namjoon exhaled. She was right. As of Monday, Namjoon was starting his first "real" job. He had had many jobs before... flipping burgers during highschool, stocking groceries through college, until he graduated and started doing freelance web design. It was a pretty nice little life he had. Setting his own hours. Only working when he needed to or wanted to. The pay was reasonable enough for someone who only had himself to think about. When Alon first came into the world, Namjoon's name had gained enough recognition that he was sure he would be able to easily continue the work that he loved so much. He and Leah had a pretty cushy plan for their future. She had a full-time job with a pension and benefits, and he would pick up some extra projects to supplement their joint income, but ultimately, he would be a stay at home dad so that they wouldn't need to worry about expensive childcare.

Unfortunately, that didn't work out... which is why as of Monday, Namjoon was going to embark on his very first 9 to 5. It was certainly going to be a culture shock. But he considered himself lucky. His friend, Jacob, who worked for an employment office, had found him a position at a web-based startup company - which was very quickly becoming quite lucrative. Lucrative enough that it offered medical and pharmaceutical benefits to its employees, and - according to the promises made by its founder and CEO - would soon be offering paid sick days and a pension plan once the company went public.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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