- Check it out – He shows me a slingshot, with a mischievous and playful smile.

- Is it Finch's?

- Yep, help me hide it – He asks me with a movement.

- Albert, hold on! – I say, hearing the last screams at the other hall

- Mush! You is in charge! Davey and Les come with me! – Jack shouts.

- Me too! – Crutchie adds.

- Alright, come on, no messing around while I'm out, hear me ya rascals?

It's the same old playful tone, and I follow Albert quickly, entering one of the bedrooms.

- In Tommy Boy's drawer, whatcha think? – He messes around, looking into the drawer carelessly.

- Why d'ya want to hide it? – I ask.

- Cause it's fun, duh! And while he's busy looking for it, we get busy eating more pie! – Albert smiles joyfully, seeming almost innocent – I wanted to hide Specs glasses, he'd go crazy!

- That's not very nice, Albert... – I'm conflicted. I'm not a Newsie that usually messes around or play pranks... I dunno why Albert asked me to come with him, but I wanted to be with him. Just not doing this...

- Oh, Kitty, you're too goody-goody... Now come

He takes a little notebook from the bureau and leaves. I follow him to the other bedroom, even if I think I shouldn't.

- Ya don't think Jack's gonna get mad? – I question him.

- He's not here, he left

- Maybe, but if Mush finds out he's gon' soak us!

- Are ya scared of Mush, huh?

- I-I...

- Check it out! – he guides me through the bedroom with two bunkbeds and opens the closet, throwing the notebook in. – This gon' be fun!

- Are ya sure they is not gonna be mad? – I'm still unsure. After the glances we exchanged in the hall just now, I didn't think Albert wanted to get me involved in his pranks. – I don't want to get in trouble...

- Then you came after the wrong guy! Trouble's my last name – He gives me a mischievous and proud look.

- I thought it was DaSilva... – I retort.

Before he could anwser, we heard steps in the hall. Albert doesn't hesitate on grabing me by the shoulders and pushing me into the closet, coming in right after and closing the door behind him.

I try to balance over a small pile of clothes, and as I think about protesting, he shuts my mouth with his hand. We can hear a talk on the other room:

- I'm telling ya, Jack! I didn't lose it, someone took it!

- Alright, alright, we'll find it, Finch...

- Who'd steel an old slingshot? – Davey's voice sounds tense. There's a small silence.

- Where's Albert, huh? – Jack asks.

- No, where's ma book? – Tommy Boys says.

An argument starts. But I'm not paying attention anymore. Although I feel like we're gonna get caught soon, I can't concentrate. It's dark in here, so I can't really see Albert's beautiful caramel eyes. On the other hand, I can feel his every finger covering my lips. I can even hear his breathing, that's faster.

The argument moves away. Albert removes his hand from my mouth, but keeps me from getting out of the closet.

- Is this your idea of fun? – I whisper.

- While they don' get us, yes it is – Even in the dark, I know he's smiling as he whispers back.

- But if you's still not having enough fun, I got another ideia...

- So?

- Wait 'n see – Albert's hands come up again, but this time they hold my nape gently, wraping around my face, pulling my chin upwards a bit. I feel his warm breath closer, close my eyes and...

The door opens suddenly, and Jack shouts: - What the hell, Albert?

My eyes widen, but Albert only releases me, turns around to the leader, still inside the closet.

- Are ya mother superior now, Jack? – His tone is sarcastic.

It don't take long for Jack to grab Albert's ear and pull him out. I keep as quiet as I can.

- Ouch, ouch, ouch, Jack! Knock it off! – Albert winces in pain, but doesn't dare to move Jack's hand. Jack looks at me, and I shrink.

- Ya got her into your doings, huh? Out, Kitty

I obey, my heart is pounding.

- What did I say, huh? No messing around till I come back – Jack releases Albert, who rubs his ear and pouts.

- Ti'was just a prank... – He speaks down.

- Sure... Where's it?

- The slingshot or-

- Both

- In Tommy Boy's drawer, and the book must be in here... – Albert looks into the closet, and I quicky retrive it, giving it back to Jack.

- Done, now let's go have some pie, cause my mouth's watering! – The Newsies leader had his brows down, but soon relaxes. It doesn't even look like the same Jack Kelly from 2 seconds ago. He wraps his arms around my neck and Albert's, while we leave the bedroom towards the hall.

- Don't follow this rascal around, Kitty, or next time ya both get spanked

He leaves us shortly to retrieve the slingshot from the drawer in a room nearby. Albert looks at me as if saying "he just barks, doesn't bite".

Before Albert could say anything though, Jack added from the other room:

- Ah! And ya both are gon' wash tonights dishes

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