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Author pov
Emma made her way to the class

On the other hand...
Inside the class...

Teacher- So students attention we have a new studend
Everyone started to talk among themselves thinking about the new student
Boy 1- I hope it is a girl!!!
Girl 1- You never squealed like that seeing me even after a whole month 😒
Boy 1- 😅
Boy 2- Wah look at her she is so pretty!!!
Because of his shouting everyone's attention went to the girl who just entered.
Teacher- Introduce yourself dear.
Emma- Anneyonghaseyo!Je ileum eun Emma ibnida.I hope we can get along well*smiling cutely*
Boy 3- Emma I love you already!!!!!Will you be my girlfriend??
Emma- Uhh...I am sorry but we can be friends if you want.
Boy 3- *Smiling like crazy*Wahhh!I am so lucky she told me to be her 
The other boys just rolled their eyes at his statement.

Teacher- Ok...everyone silence.
Emma you can sit beside uhh... Jungkook.Jungkook raise your hand.

The boy who had been sleeping till now not caring about the world flinched hearing his name.
Jungkook- What is it Mrs.lee?
Teacher- I said raise your hand Jungkook.
Jungkook raised his hand confusedly.
Teacher- Emma you may sit beside him.
Jungkook who just now noticed her widened his eyes seeing the fimiliar face...he was way too shocked
Same goes for Emma.
She slowly went and sat beside him still not daring to look at him.

Emma pov
He was the boy I bumped into earlier.I couldn't beleive the fact that I was on the same class as him that too being his seat mate.
I could feel him staring at me.
I solwly looked up at him only to realise how close our faces were.

Jungkook- Hey! Emma right?
Emma- Huh? Oh...yeah.
*After a long silence*
Emma- I am sorry...
Jungkook- For what?
Emma- Uhh...for bumping into you earlier.
Jungkook- *Chuckling* Don't say sorry it was my fault too I was also in a rush.
Emma- So...friends??*smiling widely*
Jungkook- Sure *Slightly smiling too*

So... this is all for now I hope you all will wait for the next chapter
Stay tuned 👋🏻

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