"In the living room couch" he said walking into the living room and spraying one squirt of perfume.

"Igh ima spray some on me too" he said as he turned the camera around spraying himself one time and turning the camera to the bra again.

"Igh y'all I got 2 cameras that ima set up, one already in the living room and ima put one in here"

"Okay ima just put it infront of the bed on this dresser he said setting up the camera.

"We goodddd" he said dancing in front of the camera

Fanum waited watching One Piece on tv before he heard Kay start to unlock the door and he turned around as he watched her come in.

She was on the phone with it her ear and had brought what looked like Mc Donalds. She went to his kitchen and sat it on the counter still on the phone taking to whoever she was on the phone with.

"Bae" he said getting up. She put up a finger telling him to wait still on the phone.

"Okay thank you"

"Who that?" He said walking up to her.

"My agent said I got a podcast/interview thing and he said it might feature Kali I don't know" she said muting the phone. She made a face when he got close to her because she'd already started to smell it.

"Oh like Duke shorty Kali?"


"Oh that's tuff"

"Mhm" she said unmuting the phone. He was now by her and the smell was very noticed by her so she pulled him by his hoodie and smelled it. She pulled her head back she gave him a stank face but didn't say anything. She was waiting to wrap up her call.
Fanum turned around slightly and went wide eyed at the camera unnoticed by Kay who was still glaring at him on the phone. Her acting completely calm and continuing her phone call kinda worried him.

When she finished her phone call she didn't say anything just started at him.

"Wassup my heart I missed you" he said going in for a hug. She stopped him with her hand and smelled him again nodding to herself. "Damn I stink or sum?" He laughed

"Mm" she nodded again calmly. Her not reacting was scaring Fanum more then her acting up.

"Damnnn wassup with you"

"You smell like a ho."

"I smell like a ho?" He laughed

"Who been over here?" She said scrunching her face up.

"Nobody been here but you why you acting like that"

"Nah cus I- she said walking around "I smelt it when I came in here she said walking to the couch.

"Who the fuck been in here Fanum?"

"Nobodyyy it's the air freshener"

"It better be"

"It's not"


"It's not"

"I trust you"

"But like wassup you pulled up and shit"

"Wassup with you"

"Shit nothing I'm chilling twin"

"Chillin. Mm ok"

"I missed you tho I haven't seen you in like two days"

"I know"

She gets her way (Fanum)Where stories live. Discover now