24. Smoking

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"Where you come from?"

"I just landed and went straight to the store. Y'all house literally don't have shit" I said bringing in some bags.

"You need help?" "You good?" Duke and Fanum offered looking up from what they were doing.

"I got it" I said despite almost falling over from dropping them.

"So you need help? Bet" Fanum said getting up. He grabbed the rest of the bags from the trunk of my car and took them inside.

"Bae you sure u got all that?"

"I got it"

"I had it" I said annoyed picking up the bags I dropped at the door.

"Mhm" He said and curled one of his arms with ease, lifting the bags. He did this a few times flexing his muscles before putting them down so I could unpack the bags. If you ever wondered the sexiest thing a man could physically do, that was definitely high on the list.

"What y'all doing" I said

"I got the ZA" Duke laughed

"Weeddd?" I said exictedly

"You smoke? Let me find out" Duke said smiling laughing and pointing his finger at me.

"I thought YOU didn't smoke tho" I said putting up groceries for the AMP house.

"I do I just can't say it cause it's some kids that'll be like Duke smoke Duke do that and they'll copy me and smoking not cool type shit so you know gotta you know" he explained with his hands one hand holding a blunt the other one a lighter.

"You don't smoke Fanum I know you don't you only smoke hookah" I said

"Na I smoke weed.. occasionally" he laughed

"Mhm you gone smoke some of Duke stuff?"

"Yeah he got some gelato and shit, the only weed I'll smoke"

"That sounds fun"

"You can join, if you'd like type shit"


"Come on Kay" Fanum leaned on the counter


"Bet" Fanum said and started to do inclined pushups on the counter.

"Can you help me put stuff up please"

"No" he said but still stopped and starting putting stuff in the refrigerator.

"Thank youuu" I said


"You finna smoke with us Kay?"

"Just a lil bit"

"Okay, okay" he said from over on the couch. I caught a glance of him pulling out a blunt before putting up the last few items.

"Damn" Duke said as I took a long puff off the blunt

"Kay chill you don't how" Fanum said watching me anxiously

"Boy I know what I'm doing"

"You inhaling too much" he tried grabbing the blunt out my mouth

"I'm gooodddd" I said moving back coughing

"Yo you bought to burn it up ash it" he worried. Me smoking was really stressing him out.

"Hold on" I said ashing it before taking another hit.

"Pass it damn" Fanum said smoking it

"This her first time smoking weed Fanum?" Duke asked curious

"Yeah" he took a pull before responding. He waved smoke away before smoking it a few times and passing it back

She gets her way (Fanum)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ