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"Can I do your eyebrows?"

"My eyebrows" he said raising one

"Yes you have the perfect shape and it's not fairrr"

"Yea you can"

"For real" I said surprised

"Yeah s'long as you don't fuck my shit up'

"Yesss ok ima do em today"

"Right now?"

"We can if you want to"

"Fuck it we ain't doing nothing"

"Okay stay right here" I said getting out the bed and he got on his phone waiting. I went to go get me some tweezers, a eyebrow razor, a spoolie, and some eyebrow lifter. I made sure I'd didn't need anything else and walked back into the room.

"What's thisss" he said grabbing the eyebrow lifter "Kay don't put no make up on my shit"

"It's a eyebrow gel lifter"

"What is gone make my shit on fleek?" He said sassily sticking his tongue out.

"Oh my godddd" I said laughing "but hold on I forgot some aloe Vera" I said going back in the bathroom as I'm inspected all the products. When I came back he was brushing his own eyebrows with the spoolie.

"Am I doing it right" he said brushing is side ways

"No move let me see" I said taking it out of his hands as he licked up the next item to look at it.

"Aloe Vera like the plant?" He said looking at the bottle of gel.



"Lay down"  I said and he Lowered himself from sitting up to on his back. I moved all the stuff over to one spot and straddled on top of him. He held my waist in return with one hand and watch me ass I got stuff ready.

"Don't cut do much of my shit either ion want no thin eyebrows" he said on his phone

"I know what I'm doing"

"Mhm" he said wincing as I put the cold aloe Vera on his eyebrows caching him off guard. I started shaving the little hairs that grew out of his eyebrow line and shaped up his eyebrows.

"You get on my nerves" I said after he kept flinching like the razor was hurting him.

"It hurt"

"No it don't come on" I said moving his head back down. I brushed over his eyebrows again the RIGHT way making sure it was shaped up good enough and plucked the hairs I didn't get to.

"Ouch" he said wincing and every hair I plucked

"I'm not hurting you boy bye"

"It do hurt" he said whining and complaining.

"I'm almost done hold" on I said plucking More stray hairs from his eyebrow line.

Fanum went on Instagram and started recording for his story.

"Look what she doing to me ya" he said recording me

"Be still" I said plucking the last hair and he winced dramatically.

"She laying on me and shii look ya" he said bringing is camera back showing me straddling him.

"They went crazy with the last one chill but do you want the lil lifter or no?"


"Okay look" I said showing him his eyebrows in the mirror as he turned his phone off before posting the video on his story.

She gets her way (Fanum)Where stories live. Discover now