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"They couldn't find anything," Luca informed us as we gathered in the main living area. I could sense the frustration and exhaustion radiating from him.

I was still feeling groggy, but Zephyr filled me in on Dr. Rossi's involvement and my heart went out to the man. I hoped his daughter was safe, but with Diego involved, it seemed unlikely.

"We need to leave. It doesn't matter if you find it or not," I pleaded desperately, looking at Zephyr for support. His stoic expression softened after a few moments of meeting my eyes and he nodded in agreement.

"Alright, secure the vehicles and we'll head to the warehouse. Meet outside in ten minutes," Zephyr ordered his men, who immediately sprang into action.

"What about Orillia?" I asked, devastated by the news of her condition. She had managed to escape, but Diego's men had caught up to her.

"Michael is with her, preparing for evacuation," Luca reassured me with a soothing voice. "We have a team taking her to a safe location for treatment."

I looked at my brother, feeling a wave of protectiveness wash over me. He had always been my responsibility and I vowed to keep him safe no matter what.

"You need to go Nikki," I urged him, knowing he would protest.

"I'm not leaving without you," he argued stubbornly.

"I'll be right behind you. But Diego doesn't know you're alive, and I want to keep it that way. We don't know what he has planned, so please, let me do my job as your sister and protect you." Nikki pursed his lips in frustration, but Luca stepped in and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I'll take care of him, Nila. You don't have to worry about him," Luca assured me with a warm smile. I looked between the two of them and noticed a hint of a smile on Zephyr's face, standing off to the side. I couldn't help but feel happy for my brother, knowing he had found some solace after all that he's been through.

"Please Nikki, you have to go," I pleaded once more. He deliberated for a moment before reluctantly agreeing, and I hugged him tightly before he followed Luca toward the elevators.

Zephyr turned his attention back to me, concern etched on his features. "Can you walk?" he asked, gesturing towards my legs that were still numb from the sedative.

"I don't think so," I replied honestly, wiggling my toes but feeling limited by the pain and stiffness.

"What about the doctor? What are you going to do with him?" I asked, remembering Dr. Rossi's involvement in all of this.

"He's been detained for now until we can interrogate him," Zephyr answered grimly.

"But what about his daughter?" I pressed further, my heart aching for the young girl who was caught up in my mess.

"We found her body in the basement cells where we found you," Zephyr revealed.

"Have you told him yet?" I asked softly, knowing that this would only add to Dr. Rossi's guilt and grief.

"Not yet. But she's been dead for a while, most likely once the doc agreed to be an informant, Diego had no use for his daughter."

Just then, one of the guards entered the room. He bowed slightly towards Zephyr and me. "Capo, we've secured the vehicles and everyone is ready to evacuate. The first group has already left with your father and mother."

With a nod, Zephyr motioned toward me. "We'll join you shortly. Make sure Dr. Rossi is escorted out and kept comfortable. There's much we need to discuss." The guard acknowledged with a nod before departing.

His Hidden Treasure (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now