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September 17th, 1997

I took out one of my suitcases from the trunk. It was small, a dark purple with black stars. It was small because it was a kids suitcase, obviously. I got it as a gift from my parents, but really, I think they got me it because we moved so much and maybe they thought it would've made me happier to pack things in. They promised me no more moving though. A pinky promise.

I was 8 now and I rolled my suitcase up the steps to a new apartment. I couldn't open the door yet, my parents were still gathering their own things and they had the keys. I just stood there leaning on my suitcase, resting my chin in my hand.

I could hear the muffled sounds of the other kids playing outside, and getting closer and closer. Please don't tell me they're coming my way, they sounded really hyper. And I was not in the mood, I guess you could say I was pouting or whatever.

I saw them in the corner of my eyes, them flying up the stairs and laughing. They were two. One flew into the wall going up, and stopped laughing once he looked at me. He had long hair for a boy, dirty blonde hair right at his neck as he stopped and stared at me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking about, though.

"What are you staring at?" The other one said, his laughter cooling down as he catches his breath. Thing 1's expression changed as he picked himself off the wall and looked at thing 2. "Shut up!" Thing 1 said hitting thing 2 on the shoulder.

I just stood there awkwardly watching both of them as thing 2 took two steps so he could see past the railings on the stairs. "Oh." Thing 2 said. Short hair dark hair, kind of pointed up. He looked at me with no expression, not a smile, a greeting, just "oh."

Before even getting to say anything, my parents appeared behind me. Maria(mom) Louis(dad). "Lo siento Mija, entremos ahora." I nod my head turning my gaze away from thing 1 and 2 as my parents unlocked the door.

I looked back once more, those boys were gone. Whatever, I shouldn't be focusing on them anyway.

I found a room for myself, carrying my things in as my parents waited for a U-Haul. I sat my suitcase on the floor as well as myself as I began opening it and looking through my clothes, bracelets, as I pulled out two dolls. Maybe this can keep me company.

An hour later

I got bored easily, I walked out of my room to my parents and workers bringing in furniture.

"Mom, Dad?"

"What you want? You hungry? We can get, eh... you know, the..."

"Pizza!" My mom chimed in, helping out. She looked up some pizza place but that's not what I wanted. I wasn't hungry, but now I at least had something to look forward to. Food, yum.

I shrugged, leaving the apartment as I walked down the steps in my socks. Maybe I'd run into those boys again, I really wanted to. But I don't know if I wanted to make friends, maybe I'd have to move again and-

"OW" I shouted like a reflex.

I was pushed roughly into the wall I was walking beside, I turned my head.

"Excuse me?!" I said, clearly annoyed.

"Oh, um, sorry?"

"That's it?"

"what?" He said with a judgemental look.


I heard another voice, number two I'll call him. "Tom?" I heard him question.

Ah, so his name was tom.

Tom glanced at me from the side of his eye, then started jogging like he wanted to get away. Good, I didn't wanna talk to him anyways. "C'mon Bill, let's go ding dong ditch-"

"Hello, who are you? I know english-" Bill talks to me, and interrupts Tom.

"Who are YOU?"

"Um... bill..?" He looks as if talking to me  was the worst idea possible.

Tom looked at bill with a "what are you doing??" Look, as if I couldn't see it. Rude.

I crossed my arms

"How old are you?"


"Oh, me too."

I said, softening my annoyed look.

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