CHAPTER ONE: New Creation

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My vision is all... fuzzy. That is, until a white apple surrounded by darkness appears. That's the only thing I can see. Until a moment later, when the apple fades, and I can now see a room. The walls are painted blue with a strip of orange close to the top. The ceiling is purple with bright blue stars. There's a brown door close to the left side of the wall. There is also a bright light shining directly on me. I blink a few times to get used to the brightness of the room.

Then, I see a pointy silhouette getting closer to me. The silhouette becomes fully visible. It's a... corn cob?

The corn speaks, "Hello."

He's wearing glasses, and a lanyard with the same apple logo that I saw before. His arms were behind his back, but then he pointed at me as he continued.

"Your name is MePhone4," I sit up as he points at himself, "And I, am Steve. Steve Cobs. Now that you're fully functional-"

I smile and point finger guns at him, glitching a few times as I speak, "I put the unctional in functional!"

There was a few seconds of awkward silence before Cobs spoke again.

"It's the fun." Cobs says blankly. I put my arms down as my smile turns to more of a confused expression. Cobs continues, "The fun in functi- Well, we can work the humor buddy!" Cobs playfully hit me in the arm, but it hurt. "Oww..." I say as I rub my arm.

"Now, you may feel nervous about your assigned tasks here." He points to a TV behind me. I glance back at it, noticing a bunch of checkboxes with tasks next to them being displayed on the screen. I have to do all of these? I think to myself.

"But that's just a byproduct of your highly advanced emotion emulator, and-"

I interrupted Cobs again, glitching a bit as I began to speak, "What's an emotion emulator?"

He looks annoyed by the fact that I interrupted him again. "It's the programming that gives you feelings, such as happiness or anger. And-"

I interrupted him yet again, "By the way, do you have any snacks?"

I seemed to have earned a disappointed look from him. "MePhone4. You are my most current, and state of the art creation. That doesn't need food!"

I look down to the ground. "Oh..."

Cobs walks over to a screen as he begins speaking again. "Rest assured," I hear a few sounds come from the screen, but I can't see what's happening because his big head is in the way, "I have the means to protect you. Now, I need you to lay down and stay completely still. Can you do that for me?"

I nod, then do as I was told. I hear a few more sounds from the screen, then a trapdoor opens from the ceiling, revealing two magnetic rods holding what looks like a screen protector. I close my eyes as it gets closer, then feel it being applied with a good amount of pressure. It doesn't hurt, it just feels... uncomfortable. Once the pressure goes away, I open my eyes just in time to see the rods retreating back into the trapdoor. I sit up.

"What's this for?"

Cobs quickly replies, "Nothing important. Now, this will be your room."

I look around the room, noticing a bed in the corner opposite of the door. There's a side table next to the bed with an alarm clock and a lamp on it.

"I expect you to begin your tasks first thing tomorrow morning. But for now, let me take you on a tour around the building."


//I hope you guys enjoyed this, since it's my first fic. Sorry the chapter was so short. Future chapers will hopefully be longer, and more detailed. -big_shot84

//This is also technically my first fic, but I'm only editing. Uhh.. yeah. -0trashracc0

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