Soliloquy: Preluded Movie (Tarte Aventures): Yūri no Pareidoria [Pt.2/2]

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Part Two: The Black Message In The Walls Of Isolation

Small Recap:

And everything went black which did give the attention to George and Carne this time.

🍇🥧🥼: "Oi, Ben! BEN!!! WAKE UP!!!!"

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: *Groans Slightly, Gets Up Rubbing His Head* "What... Happened......????"

🌸🥧: "Long story short, You sort of trying to wipe off the stain on the Wall, and then passed out right after..."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: *Gasp* "The wall...!"

They look at the wall where Ben stood up were a few words in Literal Japanese, at which all of Them in one room, did NOT understand it at all. BUT Carne only know a few words that Yuri said such as 'Arigato', 'Ganbatte Kudusai' or 'Jannei' or 'Ohayo Gusaimasu', etc., in which all of them translates to 'Thank You', 'Do Your Best', 'See You' or 'Good Morning'. They were all trying to decipher what does all the writings in the walls mean until They heard a Voice coming near Them followed by another which made George flinched when He heard it. It was Yuri's and a Man who turned out to be the Father of Yuri named Ryobi Takahashi, who was getting frustrated with all the Mayhem going on. When he sees Ben, he gets so angry that he would beat Him, Ben tries to push back but gets a punch in the face.

🍇🍮🥛: *Tries To Stop Him By Breaking The Fight* "DAD, STOP! YOU'RE HURTING HIM!!!! PLEASE, STOP!!!!!!"

Ryobi: "GET OFF OF ME, YOU BRAT!!!" *Shoves Him Off*

🍇🍮🥛: *Gets Pushed Back* "NO!!! BEN!!!!!!"



🍇🥧🥼: "Security!!!!!"

A couple of security guards who were near the Area came into view and breaks the fight between Ben and Ryobi by parted Thier ways. Yuri went towards Ben, who had a bruise on His cheek and rubbing His stomach in pain as He started coughing up bits of blood then He wipes it off His mouth. George and Carne did the same as Yuri.

🍇🍮🥛: "You okay, Friend....?"

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: *Coughs* "Y-yeah.... I'm okay...." *Winces In Pain* "Fuck, Your Dad is real tense....!"

🍇🍮🥛: "Sorry.... He was like that when he gets well...... Overprotective of Me..."

🍇🥧🥼: "He only threw a Tantrum at some of the staff members if making a mistake...."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Ouch.... No wonder...!"

🌸🥧: "Uhh..... Guys...?!?!?!?"

🍇🍮🥛: "Nani...?"

🌸🥧: "I think I decipher the words!!!"

🍇🥧🥼: "Well, then what does it say....?"

🌸🥧: " Well one of the words I knew were 'Shinne' means 'Die', so.... To put it simple, the Message means: 'The Gatekeeper shall die by the Hands of Our One True Savior Himself!!! For He shall Rise Again!!!!!! All Hail Lucifer!!!' . And that was it...!"

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "'Gatekeeper' !? Well who the heck is this Gatekeeper, anyway!?!?"

🌸🥧: "I don't know, don't look at Me like I knew this!!!!"

🍇🥧🥼: "Well, what does that had to do with Yuri nowadays...!?"

It then hit Ben in realization as He had a sudden flashback of an Archangel whose eyes are of Pomegranates. What He said to Him:

"Know this.... That Death awaits the Sinful Soul of the Innocent At The Gates of Hell....."

That One sentence, could that mean...

It was then cut by an agonizing scream can be heard which snapped Ben out of His thoughts as He turned around to see Yuri then started endlessly vomiting Black Jellies. They all reeled back at this as the Jellies started reform into a twisted creature. An Alternate Jelly named Kairouan came to be. Thus a Containment Breach began.

[A/N: I'm bad at making a Text Version of a Fight Scene, BTW.... Like, I don't know how to explain a Fight Scene, though.... :(]

There were utter Chaos inside the Room, the Guards are dead meat, It's Host was sick, even His Friends were trying to find a way to stop It. Upon doing so Ben noticed something Yellow on It's Neck,as He squinted His eyes for closer inspection, it turns around that a Lemon Key, One of the Madeleine Keys, was there. He need to grab it, keep ot away from It right now. He then fight It off with a nearby fire extinguisher and use it against the Jelly at which It got reeled back groaning in agony He now has a chance. Just as He was about to do so, the Jelly then pinned Him down to the ground, choking Him.

Kairouan: "Now it is Time for You to FALL!!!"

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: *Choking* "L-let..... Me....... ack!!!!"

🍇🍮🥛: *Struggles* "Kairouan...... Let...... Him....... Go...... This.... Instant....!!!!"

Kairouan: "I don't think so......."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: *Suffocatingly Choking* "Y-Yu...ri....!!!!!"

🍇🍮🥛: *Gasp* "Well... Then..... You leave Me no choice...!!!"

He then grabbed the Jelly by It's leg and take a bite of it, making It roaring in pain as It let go of Ben, who was gasping for air as He move backwards.

🍇🍮🥛: "This is what You get for hurting My Friend!!!!!!" *Biting Noise*

He starts eating the Jelly as Ben grabbed the Lemon Key at the same time. Yuri continuously chewing the Jelly as It tried begging Him to stop but He never listens and consumes It completely. That in fact made Him wanna vomit... But He only cough up a few instead. That gave Ben, Carne and George a "What the fuck!?" look on Their face as They look at Yuri, flabbergasted. Yuri looks at Them with confusion plastered on His face, although He still had some Jellies drooling on His mouth, He just shrug it off.

🌸🥧: "Yuri..... WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?!?!?"

🍇🍮🥛: *Shrugs His Shoulders* "Shiranai...."

🍇🥧🥼: *Flabbergasted* "Wha- You are such a savage cannibal!!!!"

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "I hate to say that I agree with Him.... But thank You for saving Me..."

🍇🍮🥛: *Smiles* "That's what Friends for...!"


Ben thanked Yuri for the save and He thanked Him back for being a New Friend, in which He's okay with it. The Timothy Brothers saw Him wth Yuri talking along the way, Ben explained everything to Them over Tea Parties, to say the least.

The End...

Now, onto the 3rd Arc of the Soliloquy...

Post Credit:

Benedict now finally figured out what the Message means.... What He, the Archangel meant is that He waits for the Alternate Jelly to be extinct. And had guessed the name of the Archangel which was Azrael, the Archangel of Death.

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