Soliloquy Pt.15: The Lustrous Envy of the Yule Log Nation

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A/N: This Scene is the Continuation of Ben's Conversation with Officer Tam-Lin, Liam and Carmeintel.

🟢🔑🥧:"Speaking of which, isn't the guy in a light blue suit with you, cause He's not here I just noticed...?"

🍊🍰👮‍♂️:"Now that You've mentioned it, where is He?"

*Hits Realization*

🥕🎂🐇&🍊🍰👮‍♂️- "BEN!!!!!"

🟢🔑🥧:"Who's that...?"

🥕🎂🐇:"That 'Guy in a Light Blue Suit' You mentioned, Liam..."

🟢🔑🥧:"Aaaaoooohh(Sounds like He's a Wolf howling)... I see...~"

🥕🎂🐇:"Hey guys, I see Him...!"

🟢🔑🥧:"Where...?" *Sees Him not too far from Them* "Oh, there He is..."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩:*Slowly wakes up and saw Liam not too close towards Him, asked in an American accent* "W-what happened did we....-?"

🥕🎂🐇:"Ben! Oh thank goodness You're okay! Also long story short, we did it! We finally set My Mom free... Now She can rest in peace..."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩:"Oh.... Also who's He?" *Pointing at Liam*

🍊🍰👮‍♂️:"Oh, Him...? That's Liam, Liam Timothy. The 5th Player's Young Brother."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩:"WHAT!?" *Surprised*

🟢🔑🥧: *Notices Him* "Hey! You're the Krispy Friend that Alan mentioned at Stephen's 24th Birthday Party at the Pavilion." *Walk Towards Him*

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩:"Uhh.... Hi there... Ben is My Name if you're asking... And You are...-?"

🟢🔑🥧:"Cool, I'm Liam, Liam Payne Timothy. Please to meet You Ben....?" *Confused, Wanting to Do a Handshake with Him*

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩:"McLain, Ben McLain... Please to meet You Too, as well..." *Accepts the Handshake*

🍊🍰👮‍♂️:"Alrighty then, let Us get You Two back Home to the Mansion, and You Carmeintel, will have to stay with Me at My House. If that is okay with You..."

🥕🎂🐇: *Gasp* "Really!? Of Course! Thank You 6×, Officer Tam-Lin! I'd be happy to stay." *Hugs Him*

🍊🍰👮‍♂️:"Alright 2×, Everyone get in the Car You go..." *Opens the Door*

The Boys got in the Back Seat and got to the Mansion leaving Carmeintel staying in the Car, waving goodbye to Ben and Liam. Ben and Liam talked about a While until They're reaching the Mansion Gates. They wave goodbye to each other and off They went. Ben Enters the Mansion without being caught by Anyone. He was about to go to upstairs to His Blueberry Bedroom. Until....

A/N: Guess this Character by the Emoji. Good luck...

🍓🍰🎩: "You're late..."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Hey there.... Sorry about that, I was hanging out with Carol, until... It got worse than I thought... So, that Time make Me really tired now so, I need sleep."

Then Silence filled the Room with a hint of grim towards Him as His Eyes
Went Bright Magenta as He adjusts Himself to the Chair. It went on about a second 'til it was interrupted by 3rd Pie Player opening the Door. He noticed that He was sort of missing something so He joined the Chat.

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