Two: Ribbons

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Two: This Summer...

I think being gone for three years made my surfing skills rusty

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I think being gone for three years made my surfing skills rusty. I got wiped out for the fifth time in a row. I'm starting to get frustrated. "Fuck!" I scream as I come back to the surface. I sat on top of my board waiting for another good wave to come. "Aren't you supposed to actually stand up on the wave?" I hear someone yell from the beach.

I turn my head quick to see who was talking shit and it was Jeremiah Fisher with his stupidly handsome smirk. I flipped him off and swam towards shore. As I got closer, I realized how much Jeremiah had a glow up. "Do my eyes deceive me or is brace face no more!" I gasp finally standing up. Jeremiah smiles extra hard to show me his new pearly white straight teeth.

"Little ol' Guinevere had a glow up too."

I shake my head and hugged him. He was shirtless with basketball shorts on and his curls just blowing in the wind. "When did you get here?" He ask. "Three hours ago." I answered. I actually don't know. I don't even know what time it is now. "Three years you don't return to Cousins and you've lost your surfing skills." Jeremiah teases making me shove his arms.

"Don't worry. Connie and I got you. The surf trio is back!" He raises his pinky in the air waiting for me to do the same. I stare at him with a smile and do the same. Once my pinky was up, we interlock them together and pulled them forward with a "Ahh!" sound. It was something we did when we would surf. I'm surprised he remembers.

"Coming the the bonfire tonight?"

I shrug my shoulder plopping down in the board so I don't get sand on my butt. "You should. It would be fun. Celebrating you coming back too. Did Rory come too?" I nod to answer his question. "Well, I better see you two there. It'll be fun. Plus Belly and Steve are already here." My eyes grew wide and smiled. "They're here! Oh, I can't wait to see her!" I smiled.

Jeremiah laughs and nods. "I've go to get back. I better see you there Gwenie!" He yells as he walks back to his house. The beach houses share the beach. Obviously. Our house is about four houses down from the Fishers. Once Jeremiah left, I grabbed my board and walked back. I've missed the beach here so much.

I saw dad in the garage working on one of his cars he's had for years. "Still trying to get her to start?" I ask walking into the garage. Dad shrugs and wipes his hands. "This car is special Gwen. It's supposed to be yours actually." My jaw drops as my eyes got big. The car was a baby blue 1968 Ford Branco. I've always admire this car. So many of my favorite movies had this car. My dad picked up my mom in this car. Eww, now that I think about it.

"Aurora wanted a new car and not something handed down but I knew you would appreciate it."

I smiled and jumped up and down and right into his arms. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I hear dad laugh while I squeeze the life out of him. "Woah now. I have to actually get it started. You also have to get your license." I've been driving my moms car for bit to practice but he doesn't know that. I have my permit but no license. "Dad, I got my permit a couple month ago. I'm basically licensed." I say in a matter of fact tone. Dad laughs and shakes his head. "Nope. I want to to see license in the future or no car." I groan and finally agree.

Summer Child-Cam Cameron Where stories live. Discover now