28 | We've All Been Sentenced to Die

Start from the beginning

I hadn't told Jaewoo about the longer trip yet, and I stewed about what to say to him while Taehyung and Joon's discussion went on. How do I break the news to him just right?

I stared at Eunjin while I debated internally. She was curled up on the sofa now, her breathing slow with heavy sleep, her tangled curls splayed wildly around her face. Usually, Taehyung and I took her back to our cottage to put her to bed, but tonight we lingered with the family, he and Joon deep in their planning session.

Meanwhile, Hobi and Suga were more excited about planning the hunting possibilities. The Amazon offered a change from our normal quarry. Jaguars and panthers, for example. Hobi had a whim to wrestle with an anaconda. Jin and Rosé were planning what they would pack. Minghyu was off with Sam's pack, setting things up for his own absence.

Jimin moved slowly—for him—around the big room, unnecessarily tidying the already immaculate space, straightening Jin's perfectly hung garlands. He was re-centering Jin's vases on the console at the moment. I could see from the way his face fluctuated—aware, then blank, then aware again—that he was searching
the future. I assumed he was trying to see through the blind spots that Minghyu and Eunjin made in his visions as to what was waiting for us in South America until Suga said, "Let it go, Jimin; she's not our concern," and a cloud of serenity stole silently and invisibly through the room. Jimin must have been worrying about Moonybul again.

He stuck his tongue out at Suga and then lifted one crystal vase that was filled with white and red roses and turned toward the kitchen. There was just the barest hint of wilt to one of the white flowers, but Jimin seemed intent on utter perfection as a distraction to his lack of vision tonight.

Staring at Eunjin again, I didn't see it when the vase slipped from Jimin's fingers. I only heard the whoosh of the air whistling past the crystal, and my eyes flickered up in time to see the vase shatter into ten thousand diamond shards against the edge of the kitchen's marble floor.

We were perfectly still as the fragmented crystal bounced and skittered in every direction with an unmusical tinkling, all eyes on Jimin's back.

My first illogical thought was that Jimin was playing some joke on us. Because there was no way that Jimin could have dropped the vase by accident. I could have darted across the room to catch the vase in plenty of time myself, if I hadn't assumed he would get it. And how would it fall through his fingers in the first place? His perfectly sure fingers... I had never seen a vampire drop anything by accident. Ever.

And then Jimin was facing us, twisting in a move so fast it didn't exist. His eyes were halfway here and halfway locked on the future, wide, staring, filling his face till they seemed to overflow it. Looking into his eyes was like looking out of a grave from the inside; I was buried in the terror and despair and
agony of his gaze.

 Looking into his eyes was like looking out of a grave from the inside; I was buried in the terror and despair andagony of his gaze

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I heard Taehyung gasp; it was a broken, half-choked sound.

"What?" Suga growled, leaping to his side in a blurred rush of movement, crushing the broken crystal under his feet. He grabbed Jimin's shoulders and shook him sharply. He seemed to rattle silently in his hands.

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