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Hayley starts missing Klaus.
Elijah and Cami inform everyone about the changes to their plan.
Aya wakes up in her office and has no recollection of the previous night.
Lenore sees the previous dead regent in the Lafayette Cemetery.
Davina informs Marcel about the Kenning.


Davina and Marcel were busy explaining the family about the Kenning. Every family member was present except of Kol who was presumably sight seeing.

"Okay so she can both jump into the mind and body of someone else?" asked Cami.

"Yes." replied Davina.

"Whether they're dead or alive?" asked Rebekah.

"Yes." replied Marcel this time.

"Okay do we have a solution for this?" questioned Hayley looking at everyone around.

"Yes we can create a tonic to make sure Dahlia cannot enter our bodies." stated Davina as she showed the rest a parchment. "The issue is the ingredients, they are herbs that are difficult to find."

"You can leave that to me." spoke Ansel as he analysed the list of ingredients. Ansel in his free time had been collecting herbs and was even selling them to witches across the city so the family knew he can manage this.

"I have all of this in my truck." spoke the older werewolf.

"If you can get it, I can make the tonic right now." stated Davina as Ansel nodded and headed outside.

"Okay, so that will protect us from the kenning but not the others. We can inform them of the tonic but I don't think it will help when it comes to the dead." stated Hayley.

"Well you are right about that." spoke Kol as he rushed inside the courtyard.

"What do you mean?" asked Rebekah as everyone turned to face Kol.

"Well apparently some witch was going through my stuff in the cemetery and it turns out that she was already killed a few nights ago." spoke Kol and everyone started to worry further.

"So D's theory was correct." stated Marcel. "She can make the dead into her puppets."

"I think you mean has made." stated Kol. "And they are being a pain in my ass."

"Did they take anything of importance, brother?" asked Elijah.

"They took the weaker version of the paragon diamond and a few of the dark objects in my possession." stated Kol.

"Dark objects? Isn't that something to be concerned about?" asked Camille nervously.

"Don't worry, I had handed the most dangerous ones to Nik and he hid them somewhere here. The ones they took are just basic dark objects, like witch nullification chains." stated Kol.

"I guess that's the good news." stated Hayley. "The bad news is we cannot seem to locate the dead."

"Well not that it matters, I am sure whatever they are upto will be revealed soon enough." spoke Rebekah stating the obvious.

Ansel came back with the ingredients and Davina and Kol helped him carry them to the kitchen. The three then went on to make the tonic and provided it to everyone.

"So I think we would have to proceed with the plan tonight." stated Hayley while sipping the tonic. "We will host another meeting in the compound and since it will include only the representatives Dahlia cannot send one of the dead to check up on us."

"Let's hope that is the case or else all our efforts will be in vain." stated Marcel.

(Lafayette Cemetery)

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