Freya Mikaelson

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Klaus makes sure Tyler doesn't return to New Orleans.
Rebekah talks with Elijah over the phone to catch up a little as Elijah informs he will be back soon.
Marcel and Klaus decide that Davina should also move into the compound with the rest and she happily agrees.


Hayley was sitting in the middle of the compound peacefully as she did she sees Klaus sitting opposite to her as he also opened a book and started to read.

Hayley was very happy currently, ever since she moved into the compound she felt even more at home. Marcel, Rebekah and Klaus were always doting on Hayley and Davina was around like a little sister to her.

"Hey Hayley, I did a little more digging about the crescent curse and I think I am getting close to it." informed Davina.

She had been made aware of the crescent curse by Marcel on the day they moved in, he explained to her that the wolves can only become human during the full moon. Hayley didn't like the fact that the wolves were trapped in their body but also understood that Marcel had his reasons.

Hayley had also tried to go and visit the wolves during the full moon but Klaus had forbidden it saying that it is not safe in her pregnant state. She was against this but she saw that Klaus was truly worried about her so she complied.

"Thanks, Davina." said Hayley smiling towards her.

Then the 2 women heard a phone ringing, it was Klaus's. "Hello Elijah." started Klaus. "Okay I will help you out."

"You going out?" asked Hayley. She had become used to Klaus's presence and always felt lonely whenever he wasn't there, she actually felt annoyed that he could make her feel that way.

"No, I am just helping my brother get something in." replied the hybrid.

Klaus goes outside and then he and Elijah come back in with a wooden coffin.

"Okay now that I've helped you get this inside, care to explain what's in it?" asked Klaus curiously.

"Not what? Who?" spoke Elijah. "The lead you had received about a powerful witch, well it turns out she is in a coma and will be like that for almost a year."

Shit! Klaus thought, it had slipped from his mind that Dahlia, their aunt had linked herself with Freya which would cause her to be in a coma until Dahlia herself wakes up. Then a thought popped into Klaus's mind.

"How do you know she will wake in a year?"

"The thing is when I saw her in this state I was about to walk away and come back but then I thought to try to wake her by going into her mind. I learnt about this through that." responded Elijah.

Klaus got curious when he heard that. "Did you find out anything else?"

Elijah just stood there with his lips pressed. Everyone in the room started to get curious.

"Elijah?" asked Hayley whose patience was starting to run out.

"Let Marcel and Rebekah arrive, then I will explain everything."

(Little bit later)

Rebekah and Marcel were called back, they were having a great time in the city as Marcel was showing Rebekah all the sights in the city.

They entered to find a coffin with a blonde girl in it and the rest waiting for their arrival.

"Finally!" spoke Davina.

"Sorry we're late there was a lot of traffic on the way." said Marcel.

"Okay since everyone is here." started Elijah. "I had gone into the mind of this girl in front us and I found a few things about her one of which is, that she is our sister Freya Mikaelson."

"Who?" asked Hayley. Marcel and Davina also looked at him with confusion.

"Freya was our sister who had died in the Old World, she was the eldest amongst us." replied Klaus.

"Yes well, it turns out she didn't die. Turns out our mother had made a deal with her sister Dahlia so that she could give birth. What our mother was unaware of was that one of agreements of the deal was that every first born of the family is to be handed to Dahlia as an offering."

Everyone was stunned at this information, everyone except Klaus who just stared at Freya. Even in his past life he had hated that she had been through so much, he knew that out of all his siblings only she could relate with the pain he had received from their parents.

"Wait if everyone first born is to be handed to her then...." spoke Marcel as he turned to look at Hayley. Everyone upon this realisation turned towards Hayley as well who was know just touching her belly.

Klaus went towards her and kept his hand over hers reassuringly. "Don't worry we will not let anyone harm her." he said as he gripped her hand tight, she felt better due to those words.

As Klaus was thinking of ways to deal with Dahlia in this run. Something clicked in his mind, "But how can we be sure what you saw was true? Perhaps it's an illusion created by this witch to manipulate us."

"Well we can't actually wake her up to find out now can we?" spoke Rebekah.

"No, I have tried everything. No matter how far I went into her mind there was no way to wake her." said Elijah.

"I don't think we should have someone around who we cannot trust." said Davina.

"I agree." added Marcel.

"Yes, I also think this to be right." replied Klaus which caused Rebekah, Elijah and Hayley to stare at her.

"But she's your sister." spoke Hayley.

"Yes I know, I am not saying we get rid of her but until she wakes up she should be kept in the basement in the case she turns out to be someone other than our sister." said Klaus. He knew that this was Freya but he needed to act like he didn't know her and so the best solution he could come up with to avoid any suspicion was this.

Everyone in the room took a minute to think about it but then they all agreed that this might be the best thing to do for now.

After they finished keeping Freya in a room in the basement. Klaus asked Marcel and Davina to again come to the compound as he wanted to inform them about the diamond.

Both sat at near the table and Klaus took out the diamond to show it to the both of them. "Do you remember this?" asked Klaus.

"Yeah you had asked Davina to perform a spell on it. What about it?" said Marcel.

"Well it wasn't just any spell it was a spell to turn this diamond into something that can collect souls." spoke Klaus, this caused both the people in front him to raise an eyebrow. "I went to Mystic Falls to bring back get my brothers in it."

As soon as he said this Marcel's confusion had turned into annoyance. "You plan on bringing Finn and Kol back!" Shouted Marcel which startled Davina. "I have no idea about Finn but Kol, he is a lot more psychotic than you and worse he also thinks of messing with everyone around him."

"I agree that he has done a lot of questionable things in the past but I promise I will keep mg eye on him." responded Klaus as Marcel was starting to calm down. "Also I won't be bringing him back in his original body at least not right now. I will transfer him into a witches body so that his adolescent jokes are to a minimum."

Klaus so that Marcel was still being sceptical about this. "Look I wouldn't recommend this if it wasn't absolutely necessary." From the looks of it it could be seen he was telling the truth hut he also admitted that even if Finn or Kol were to be useless he wanted them back, he wanted to make his family whole.

"He isn't wrong, with most of your vampires now in the garden we would have to rebuild." said Davina.

Marcel looked at both Davina and Klaus trying to find a reason to stop this, he couldn't so instead he said "Fine, but Klaus you won't keep an eye on him. I will."

"That's fine by me." replied Klaus.

So this is the end of a chapter I was having a hard time to write. I was worried I wouldn't be able to cover Freya's introduction as well as explaining Finn and Kol's revival but I somehow managed.

What do you think will happen next?

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