Wedding - Part 1

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Rebekah and the others negotiate with the Strix before they can join the factions.
Everyone returns to the compound and talk about the ongoing events after which they greet Hope.
Finn and Freya talk at Rousseau's and Finn reveals that he has been Hexed.


Rebekah was on full on wedding management mode. She had asked everyone in the compound to help out so that things could be done in a short notice with all the necessary arrangements.

"Freya, sister, have you sent the invitations, yet?" asked the blonde original to which Freya rolled her eyes.

Considering this was the 10th time Rebekah had asked her to do this in the last 2 hours since she was made head of invitations, it was a miracle Freya didn't just snap her little sister's neck.

However her mind was also preoccupied. She was trying to find a way to save her brother Finn, however she knew that if the Hex was made by Dahlia then it would be difficult to cure.

She finally came back to reality upon realising she cannot find a solution for now and turned to face Rebekah. "Yes, little sister. I have delivered all the invitations however most of them have been rejected."

"What? Why?" asked Rebekah shocked.

"Well their reason goes somewhere along the lines, 'Someone in your family tried to kill me at some point in time.'" stated Freya which made Rebekah slightly annoyed.

"Well their loss, we will still go ahead with our preparations. This will be the best wedding this city has seen." spoke Rebekah. "And speaking of wedding, where are the bride and groom?"

"They should be at the bayou, or have you forgotten that they need to complete the trials before getting married?" reminded Freya.

"Oh, Right." said the blonde vampire. "I wonder how that is going?"


Klaus and Hayley were busy with the step 1 of the trials as they had been fasting since the day before and waited in the cabin next to the lake since their 24 hours were about to be over.

The couple started the fast abruptly upon being reminded by Ansel that the fast should be for 24 hours and the couple didn't want to push the ceremony for too long.

"Hey, Klaus." spoke Hayley as she approached towards her soon to be husband. "Do you think it's alright that we left our child with Kol?"

Klaus looked up towards his fiancée with a questionable look. "You do realise that she was under his care for the past 3 months?"

"Yes, but Davina was also around but she is with Marcel today to get the decorations for the wedding so I am a little worried." stated the female hybrid.

Klaus's eyes softened as he placed his hands on Hayley's. "Little wolf, I can assure you he will not do anything stupid. Plus, I told Elijah and Camille to keep an eye on him from time to time."

Hayley tilted her head slightly and looked at Klaus with judgement due to his contradictory statements. "Really?"

"Look, I might trust my family but I also know them so I was not ready to take a chance." stated Klaus.

They continued to talk about other topics when they heard a small knock which was accompanied with Ansel's head peeping inside the room.

"I hope I am not interrupting?" asked the werewolf.

"No, not at all." stated Hayley.

"Well, your 24 hours are up." announced Ansel making the couple have a sigh of relief. "This means that the first part of the first step has been completed. Now the next is a few trials of purification."

Hayley and Klaus looked a little nervous since they were unaware of what the trial of purification meant. Hayley not telling Klaus about the details of her trials during the original timeline did not help with the original hybrids nervousness.

"Don't worry, it will be simple just a few body purification and such." stated Ansel which calmed the couple a little as they headed outside the cabin to finish the rest of their trials.

(St. Ann's Church)

Cami was sitting on the front row of the church as she was going through the reports in the human faction when she heard steps approaching her. She immediately turned around and to her surprise found Kol with Hope in his arms.

Camille was confused by the situation and looked around to find Elijah who was trailing behind but had his head down in embarrassment which confused the human faction leader more.

"So why are you two here?" asked Cami.

Kol held Hope with his hands stretched out. "She seems to have soiled her diaper." stated Kol.

Camille finally understood the urgency and upon taking in the absurdity of the situation let out the biggest laugh possible. Which caused the two men to look at the blonde with pressed lips.

"Yes, I do love that you find our embarrassment amusing but could you please assist us?" stated Elijah from behind.

"Sure." stated Camille while holding onto her laughter and taking the little baby from Kol. She took the baby bag that was with Kol along with her as she headed to the attic that was once Davina's room. The two men followed behind.

Camille promptly put Hope on the bed and changed her diaper after which she picked up the baby and walked towards the 2 men.

"If you both need help with this next time call me instead of running into the church like the Earth is gonna fall, okay?" stated Camille as she handed the child back to Kol.

"Alright." replied both men at the same time.


Finn enters the bar to get the order of drinks for the wedding. He asked the bartender about it who went to check in the back. As Finn was waiting he was tapped on his shoulder so he turned around.

"Hi, My name is Gia." stated the girl as she stretched her arm towards Finn. "I was sent by Marcel to help you."

Finn looked at the girl for a minute and them shook her hand. "Nice to meet you too. If Marcel sent you here you must already know about me, correct?"

"Yes, he did mention about you." spoke the vampire.

Finn found Gia's tone refreshing and wanted to continue his conversation however before he could his head started to ache as he held onto the bar table.

"Are you okay?" asked Gia worriedly.

Finn took in a few breaths which calmed him down as he sat properly again. "I am fine."

Before Gia could ask anything more she was cut off by the bartender who brought the 4 boxes of liquor at that exact moment. The 2 of them went ahead and picked up 2 box each and headed to the compound.


Klaus and Hayley come back after their purification trial and all that is left is the one part that Klaus was nervous about, smoking blue calamus root and telling each other every secrets.

Though he was confident about he didn't need to mention about his regression due to a certain sentient being, he was still worried if Hayley would accept him for everything he had done in his past.

He looked towards his partner in nervousness and Hayley noticing this took Klaus's hand and smiled towards him. He looked back at her brown eyes and smiled widely, at that moment he knew that no matter what she wouldn't leave his side.

With his knew found confidence, the soon to be married couple walk into the cabin ready to tell each other their respective secrets.

Finally the chapter is done.

Sorry for the late update, I finding it a little difficult to decide how all events should occur so that is why it is taking longer than expected.

What do you guys think will happen next?

Hope you guys enjoyed.

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