"Please let me stay here in your closet," she sobs.

My heart is strong and hard but she manages to melt it into liquid which now seeps into my veins, softening my being and destroying my guards down. I stare at her because I could not believe what this woman does to me in a short time. She awakens all of me including my evil side which I tried to hide. I am always the gentleman and have never been so unkind and ruthless to any woman except to her.

"Trust me," I say and carry her out of my closet.

"Bolt," she whispers.

I respond to her soft calling not by words but through kissing her temple gently. I carefully place her on my bed and sit in front of her.

"Bolt," she calls.

"It's okay, I am here" I say and stare into her eyes.

She shakes her head with the look of uncertainty.

"I am not going to leave you," I reassure her.

"You don't get it do you?" She chuckles.

I frown then her eyes drifted downwards. I follow her stares and see what she is talking about.

Embarrassed, I grab the closest pillow and cover my pet which is making a standing exhibition.

"What happened to that?" She asks with humor.

This is all because of you.

 "Do you really want to know?" I ask dead seriously.

She stops smiling and move backwards but I grab her waist and pull her close.

"I'll show you why," I say and close the distance of our lips.

I devour her lips with my everything. I pour all the anger, the frustration, the confusion and the laugh she brought upon me. I pull her chin so her lips would open and she didn't fail me. I didn't waste any time and hurriedly enter my tongue to her delicious mouth to once again savor the unknown flavor of her. I deepen the kiss and moan because she starts to return my kisses with pleasurable hesitation.

I could not get enough of her and grab her thighs and lift her onto my ready pet. She sits astride of me and grinds her core to my pet.

"Ahhhh," I groan at the contact of her cotton shorts to my pet.

"Damn clothes," I murmur and break our kiss to remove her coverings. 

She stops my hand which is about to take her spaghetti top. I frown and look up to her.

"Let me," she speaks softly and teasingly removes her spaghetti top.

I want to help her and remove her shorts but her eyes freeze me and force me to look into her and so I did.

She is so beautiful.

I am once again enchanted by this nerd. I am lost under her magic. I am lost in my wife. She closes her eyes and takes my hand and places it in her heart.

"I love you husband," she confesses with eyes closed.

"Remember that," she continues and open her eyes.

This is one of the shortest moment in my life yet it has made its way to the bottom of my heart and forever live there.

She removes my hand from her heart and plants a soft kiss on my knuckles.

I stop breathing because I am paralyzed by my wife. Normally, I would roam my hands and explore her body but I just sit here and stare at her. The only thing I could do is swallow the lump in my throat and wait for her next move.

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