11. Blissful Morning Walk

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My day starts with a good breakfast made by my brothers. The punishment given by Badi maa was that they have to cook for me whenever I needed, so I decided to torture them less as I am a good sister. I asked them to just make me breakfast for a month. Yesterday, they made just bread toast with peanut butter. I complained to Badi maa as I don't like eating bread in the morning; I am a heavy breakfast eater. So, I demanded aloo paratha from them last night.

Here I am standing in front of the kitchen door after freshening up in a new bunny oversized t-shirt and boxers. Today, we are leaving for Udaipur. Leaning, I can watch my brothers in a miserable state in the kitchen. I admit we were equally taught cooking, and my brothers make good food, but the problem is they mess up the kitchen in the process. All the other members have had their breakfast and left for work. Only Dadi and Dadu live at the house after they leave. Sometimes, Dadu also leaves for work with Mans. As Dadu and Dadi have gone to visit the temple, no one is at home.

Finally, I can see a perfect aloo paratha. I went to the dining table for breakfast to be served. Both came with my breakfast.

"Here, your highness, your aloo paratha with extra butter." Abhi Bhai said with an annoyed face. He must have slept till now if he didn't get this punishment, but they deserve it.

"Anything else, mam?" Advit asked irked because of the lack of sleep. I want to laugh at both.

"Yeah, I would love to have juice." I want to laugh at their faces.

"Dii, please forgive me. It was Abhi bhai's fault; he gave the idea of bringing the dog." Advi whinned making me glare at Abhi bhai.

"Sri, he was the one sulking looking at you get all the love. He was getting jealous." I shoot both a glare, and they surrender by lifting their hands in the air.

"How did God make these two my brothers?" I dramatically fainted to see them laughing. I also join them.

"Dii, I have a request." Advi said after I finish my breakfast. I sat there with a serious face.

"Go ahead," I said in a cold voice, to which he looks away to gather courage. I guess it's something serious.

"I-I want to go with you to Udaipur." Oh God, this kid will give me a heart attack with his cliffhanger of 5 mins. I smack his head, to which he winces.

"Why? What about your studies?"

"I want to explore Udaipur, also for a study about the industries and companies set up there. Please dii, I also want to go. I have packed my bags, and I asked everyone; they have approved of it." I just nodded. He is surely growing; he is going for a study which makes me proud of him. I gave him a small smile.

Advit was the first child who wanted to make his presence in the family business and on the internet. Although he still has some time to complete his MBA, he is handling some hotels and restaurants of ours. Abhi bhai and I always rejected the offer from our family to join the family business and made a presence on the internet. 

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