That Elevator Music tho - chapter 1 -

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(a/n): Imagine thinking that a cloud of smoke is hot, could never be us.




'aw shit, here we go again' you thought.

You may be wondering, "How did you get in this situation?" Well, it all started.... 30 minutes ago.

*30 minutes ago*

"Hey y'all, what If we checked that weird ass hotel that popped out of nowhere on a stormy night?" One of the guys in your group, Jason, said

"Oh my god! That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard!" Another friend, Jessica, exclaimed. "Let's do it!" She said with a little too much enthusiasm.

'nani the what' is all you thought as all 12 of you made your merry ways into this creppy as fuck hotel that popped out of nowhere.

Somewhere, far away, you could hear the theme song to 'Dumb Ways To Die'.

*Back to the now*

You were all inside the hotel, somehow, and honestly? Looks pretty dope and not at all abandoned, there's even a lit fireplace!

All your peers awe while looking around, except you, you is busy thinking. Thinking thoughts.

'I should tell Maria to spell attic'

Mhm, thinking thoughts is your especialty.

Eventually all of you notice the very obvious elevators on the lobby, it's kinda sad how long it took for anyone to notice them.

"So, should we make 3 trips?" The guy with the glasses, you think his name was Ryan, said while entering one of the elevators on the far end of the Room. "Why though, that would take forever. Who knows how many floors there are in this place, and I bet we're going to get separated" Maria said while clingging to Mike.

"Maria is right, we should all go together" Mike said, agreeing with his sister. Everyone just kinda looked at them as if they've grown another head.

"Boi, is u stupid? Have you never watched premonition? 12 people in a single evelator is equivalent to certain death!" You said, finally breaking the silence.

"(y/n) is right, that's stupid y'all" your best friend, (f/n), said. "But i guess we're all stupid so let's do it" (f/n) added. You just gave them a look that screamed 'you dare to betray me'.

And so, all of you entered the elevator.




And then you died-

just kidding, just kidding.




It was surpringly large inside, you would think, based on the outside, that the elevator would hold 4 people, máx, just like Ryan said.

But no! It accommodated all the 12 of you and It wasn't even cramped!

"Okei! Let's do this, the first who chickens out has to pay for all of our outtings for the rest of the year" the jock, Travis, said. "And the last to stand?" You asked, already deciding no matter how spooky, no way you gonna pay for every meal of everyone here.

"Well, the last to stand..... We'll decide It later, but It sure as hell ain't gonna be you (n/n)" Travis said while ruffling your hair. You slapped his hand away, only (f/n) could call you (n/n), or your lover, but you didn't have one. So only (f/n) could call you that.

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