Chapter:01 One

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It's hard always having to maintain a smile, but if I don't people will question me to why I am sad when i do not want to explain myself.

I placed my hand on my bedroom window as i looked at the rain hit the window. I looked at two raindrops race, once they reached the finish line they disappeared into nothing.

I stepped away from the window and picked up my phone which rested on my bed, then made my way out of the room.

I made my way down stairs for i wanted to go to the coffee shop. Riverstone is a really smalltown but it has many people living in it. There is only one coffee shop in town there used to be two but the owner moved to the city and now only one remains.

As i was about walk out the front door, I was stopped by my mother who came from the kitchen, "Adalyn, dear you can't possibly be going outside in this rain without a raincoat and an umbrella." She practically scolded me.

"Mom, it's not even raining that much and the coffee shop is not even that far." I stated, and she gave me one of her 'I'm your mother, listen to me' glares. "Okay mom, I will wear my raincoat and take my umbrella if it makes you happy."

"Thank you dear,and on your way back can you bring back milk, sugar, flour and eggs? " She asked me before going back into the kitchen.

I grabbed my coat from the coat hanger and wore it before walking out the front door.

I decided to leave the umbrella.

I walked to the coffee shop greeting many people on the way.

The coffee shop has a warm aesthetic to it, it was usually full because it is the only coffee shop in town but today it was practically empty. Most days there would be a long line outside and I would have to wait ages just to get coffee.

I walked in and there was only one person sitting in the corner of the shop while writing something down on paper.

"Goodday Adalyn, how are you?" May greeted me as I took my order. May is the owner of the coffee shop and we have become very close, especially since I come here everyday.

"Hi, May." I greeted her back with a smile. "Let me guess, the usual?" She asked me and I nod.

She made my coffee and gave it to me, I paid and was about to leave when she stopped me,"Adalyn wait, I have something i want you to give your mother. Can you wait for a few minutes while i go get it?" She asked me and i nod.

She left and I stood there waiting for her when my eyes met with the boy sitting in the corner for a split second.

Something in me wanted to go up to him and so I did.

My kindness will be the death of me one day.

I sat down on the seat across from him. He looked up at me then looked away ignoring my presence.

"Hi, My name is Adalyn. What's yours?" I introduced myself. Any sane person would not go up to a stranger and talk to them, but to me this is a daily thing I like getting to know people.

He just looked at me as though I have just said something ridiculous.

Maybe he is deaf and wondering why some random girl is sitting across him,I thought to myself.

I searched my coats pockets and I found a piece of paper from the time I went with my coat to school, then I looked at the pen in his hand and asked him for it by pointing at it.

He continued to stare at me probably thinking about how crazy I was acting. I continued asking him till he ended up giving it to me.

I straightened the piece of paper which was slightly crumbled and I wrote down ' Hi' with a smiley face next to it, then slid the paper and pen to him.

He looked at the paper and then at me for a while before finally writing something down then he slid the pen and paper to me.

The paper read ' I'm not deaf nor mute if that's what you think,and also can I help you',i looked at him and wrote some thing down 'Oh no I definitely did not think you were deaf or anything, and can't a person make friends with strangers?' I slid the paper and pen to him

He wrote something down and slid it back to me 'why would you want to be my friend, and why would I want to be yours?'

I was about to answer him when May came back. She came up to the table I sat with the boy. "I am sorry for taking so long." She apologized while handing me a box.

"Oh, do you two know each other?" May asked and i nodded yes and he shook his head no.

"Uhm, okay. Adalyn this is my nephew Theo, and Theo this is Adalyn she is a people person loves spreading kindness and is friends with most of the towns people." May introduced us to each other.

He is her nephew?

May had never spoke about her family.

He got up from his seat and picked up his things, then he waved May goodbye before leaving the coffee shop.

He is an interesting person, why does he not speak?

" You are probably wondering why he does not speak, and that's becaus-. Mmh no one really knows he just stopped talking when he was ten and since then he has not uttered a word. His parents took him to doctors and therepists but no one could figure out what's the cause of him going mute. "She explained to me.

" Does he attend school?, because I have never seen him around school and Riverstone high is not that big. "I asked her.

" No he is home schooled, he hasn't been to  school in years after he went mute teachers found it difficult to teach him so his mother left work and since then has been homeschooling him. "

" Adalyn, I know you. I know that you are going to try and befriend him but let me tell you he is not a people person, well not anymore. He isolates himself from everyone else and prefares to be alone but I know that you will still try. "She stated and she was right I was going to try and befriend him.

His aura screamed ' I am a person who need someone to talk to' . I like seeing others happy, even if for them to get their happiness I have to be sad.

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