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"OKAY IM GETTING UP" y/n says. "Damn someone's been drinking" says y/n under her breathe not realising her dad was at her door.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY? YK WHAT I WISH YOU DIED INSTEAD OF YOUR MOM" For reference y/ns mom died in a car crash and she always feels like it's her fault since she was in the car as well. y/n is on verge of tears and as she gets up to start getting ready he comes over and slaps her across the face.
"DAD WTF I HAVE SCHOOL IN 30 MINS" y/n shouts realising what she says.
"WTH YOUR A FUCKING BRAT" y/ns dad then starts punching her stomach till she falls over and he kicked her as the last one for the morning in the face causing her nose to bleed.
*20 mins later*
OH SHI I HAVE SCHOOL I HAVE TO GO NOW BUT I HAVE TO COVER THIS UP THEIR GOING TO MAKE FUN OF ME, just as y/n thinks that her dad screams "LEAVE FOR SCHOOL NOW" y/n thinks even though it's so hot i'll just wear a sweatshirt to cover this..
y/n on the way to school "holy shi it's so hot i wish my dad wasn't like this" just as she says that she get tapped by a boy and as she turns around she was shocked of the faces of 3 boys. she immediately starts speeding up and they follow. Peej then says "holy shit you look worse then before. honestly it's funny" they all laugh. y/n just thinks to herself on the verge of tears why me.. and can't this day just be over already. first day of school already ruined.
*In period one* y/n zoned out thinking about the fact she still likes peej which his real name is patrick and he has beautiful pink and blonde hair, i would never have a chance with him obviously cause he bullies me. After that class she's walking out the room and hears an annoying voice that follows her everywhere. Baylen then says in a sincere and soft voice " yo y/n, wtf happened to your face i'm so serious i won't  tell anyone" y/n had already forgot about her face.. "oh uh i fell down the stairs earlier" y/n somehow stutters out. "uh well okay" laughed kyle from the corner. Ugh i could've just told the truth and maybe they would leave me alone. Next class was boring and you didn't know anyone. Next was lunch but she went to the bathroom and just chilled since her dad doesn't want her eating as he says she's "getting bigger".

Y/n then walks in to her house, the smell of beer roaming the house. "Ugh i wish i never came home" y/n mumbles. Y/n hears the loudest scream from her dad " Y/N GET ME A DAMN BEER" and y/n said "no get it yourself i don't feel good" y/ns dad has always yelled at her for being fat which actually wasn't true he forced her to be skinny by having her starve and hiding the food so the reason y/n didn't feel good was because she was hungry. "YK WHAT MAYBE ITS BECAUSE YOUR FAT" y/ns dad said. "GO FUCK YOURSELF DAD" y/n runs upstairs and locks the door before her dad came running banging on the door. Y/n got her old blade because she used to sh but quit but she needed the feeling of something. After a while her dad went back down and she put the blade on her arm drawing small lines which she missed the feeling of. She keeps going and they get bigger and bigger. She always does this when she can't cope with something going on with her life. Her old friends found out and helped her quit before her mom died but it went downhill since then and it got worse. Those friends also don't talk to me anymore because i moved from Atlanta where i got bullied by the 3 boys, to California where i met them, then went back to Atlanta . Anyways, since she moved and her mom died no one is able to stop or help her with her sh, anxiety, depression, and ed. It really doesn't help that Peej, Kyle, and Baylen bullied her.

                   *SKIP TO NIGHT TIME*
9:08 i'm going to get a shower since i have blood on me still and i don't feel good. I am going to try to stay home tomorrow and hope my dad goes out. As I hope in the shower, i put on my favorite spotify playlist. It has one of Peej's songs in it but doesn't mean anything or does it.. No y/n you cannot like him. Whatever after i get out of my shower i get changed into pjs. Pick your outfit ⬇️

 Pick your outfit ⬇️

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If you don't like either, make up your own outfit for bed

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If you don't like either, make up your own outfit for bed. It's now 10:03 and I am really tired. I run downstairs to fill up my water bottle with ice water. I run back up and grab my tropic vanilla lotion from victoria's secret. It smells heavenly. You spray the matching perfume and turn on your favorite youtuber and go to sleep.

6:00am I really don't feel good and i want to stay home but not with my dad and how he's been recently. He's getting worse every day. I go downstairs to ask if i can stay home and he is no where to be found so i take it as a yes. I change my outfit to a big sweatshirt from american eagle and a pair of baggy shorts that are very comfy. I grabbed medicine from my drawer thinking about overdosing but i dont. I grab a diet coke from downstairs and decided to make some toast since my dads not home. While i make the toast i start singing really loud and it was very fun. When i ate my toast i scrolled through tiktok and see baylen recording peej and i'm starting to realise how fine he is.. WHAT NO. whatever i'm going to bed.

                         *4 HOURS LATER*
11:00am i wake up to banging on my door and my dad screaming i realise what is going on and sneak out my window. He goes through my room and sees my book bag and that's when i knew i fucked up. I am shaking so bad. He storms outside and i jump back in the window. "Y/N WHERE ARE YOU? YOU CANT SKIP SCHOOL DUMBASS" he said storming to my room and at this point he would see me at some point.

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