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July 30, 2020

Messages between Madison and April


Best friend

Have you seen the article?

Mad Hatter:
There's so many?

Mad Hatter:
But the newest one? Yes, I've seen it.

People need to mind their own business

This shit is getting out of hand

Mad Hatter:
This was bound to happen at some point. We couldn't keep it a secret forever, but now I'm getting hundreds of messages a day about what did or didn't happen. I never wanted to keep things secret for this long and now I have to hide.

Have you heard anything from her?

Mad Hatter:
We haven't talked since I came back to England. It's like we were never anything. We were friends for almost two years before we even started dating and now we're nothing. We've never gone this long without talking.

Would you even want to be friends? Could you even be just friends?

Mad Hatter:
I don't think we'd ever be just friends. After four years, there's no going back from that. But we both made our choices and we have to live with them.

Are you ever going to tell me what happened?

I'm not your sisters. I'm your best friend. I'm not going to judge you and I won't judge Taylor for whatever happened. But you've never talked about it and I think you need to talk about it if you're ever going to be able to move past it.

Mad Hatter:
Were we having problems? Yes. Were they fixable? Yes.

Mad Hatter:
But someone sent her publicist screenshots of a conversation that I apparently had with Kanye. I'll send it to you hold on.

Mad Hatter:
(Sent 3 Images)

Someone faked messages with you and Kanye?
Girl you'd never say that shit.

Mad Hatter:
I guess it was believable enough

But you using her? That's so inaccurate. You'd never do that and you definitely wouldn't be telling k*nye about how much you can't stand her and you just used her because she was rich and famous? Or how he's the actual reason she's famous.

That's actually such bullshit

Mad Hatter:
Tree showed them to her and Andrea before I even knew anything. We were supposed to be going out to dinner, but Taylor came in and she was so obviously upset and when I asked her she just showed me the screenshots. She wouldn't listen to me when I kept repeatedly telling her it wasn't true and that I would never say that. I told her I'd never say that and I wouldn't say that because none of it was true.

Okay so this is my unbiased opinion. I think whatever the problems were between you two made her react that way. And maybe she was looking for a reason to end things.

Mad Hatter:
That thought has crossed my mind, but it doesn't change how I feel. If this would've happened right after we met, then it would make more sense that she didn't trust me. But how can I be with someone who doesn't trust me? Like six years all for nothing.

I'm coming over and I'm bringing wine

Mad Hatter:
You can find me in my cave

I'll find you in your cave of sadness

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