Ich Verehre

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Dipper awoke the next morning, and it was late morning. He yawned, the feeling of hunger pulling at him. After getting properly out of bed, Dipper walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out a Pitt Cola, to which he opened and took a sip of. He then rummaged through the pantry until he found a bag of chips, to which took upstairs with him up to his room, along with the soda. He stepped into his room to see a teen on his bed, seemingly admiring the sharpness of their nails through the black gloves covering them.


            Bill looked up, smiling. "Oh, hey, Pine Tree. I came from the window, just so ya know."

            Dipper took a large gulp from his soda, then set his meal down on his nightstand. "Why're you here so early?"

            Bill shrugged, adjusting his bowtie. "Just wanted to see you without your sister. She is at Llama's, after all."


            "Pacifica. She is at Pacifica's."

            "Oh," Dipper said, blushing at his stupidity. Who else could it have been? He mentally facepalmed himself as he opened his package of chips. Silence filled the room as Dipper ate, and it only ended when the boy finished, taking a swig of soda. "So, uh, how have your dream things been going?"

            Bill leaned back, grinning at this question. "I learned something about Shooting Star and Llama last night."


            "They're dating behind your back, and Mabel pretends to like boys to keep Stanford from asking any questions as to why she's there so much."

            Well, that certaintly explained everything. Like, literally, everything he'd been wondering other than the secrets of the journal. But Dipper wouldn't bring up the journal. Not in front of Bill. That would be dangerous. Like, incredibly dangerous to everyone's health.

            Dipper sat down next to Bill, the other wrapping an arm around him. "How do you know it wasn't a dream?"

            "It didn't have glitter and sparkles. She was remembering events from earlier that day. And she was wearing her normal clothes, not a princess costume."

            Dipper leaned into Bill, a light blue glow emitting from them. "Wow. I always thought Mabel liked boys, not girls, especially not Pacifica."

            Bill grinned, showing off his abnormally sharp teeth. "Well, I guess I can tell you this - she thinks she likes Llama, but really she has feelings for someone else."

            Dipper sat up, anticipating to know who. "Who does she like?"

            "I can't tell you that, sorry, kiddo!" Bill said, patting the boy's head.

            Dipper sighed, resting his head on the demon's shoulder. "I guess that's okay."

            Bill cringed, pushing the boy away. "When was the last time you took a shower, Pine Tree?"

            "I don't know, a few days ago?" Dipper said, shrugging while Bill held his nose.

            Bill lifted up the boy, carrying him bridal style. "Well, sapling, if there's one rule for being my fiancee, it's that you stay clean," he sid taking the boy to the bathroom.

            "What are you doing?!" Dipper whisper-shouted, struggling against the teen.

            "Well, if you're not going to bathe yourself, then I'll have to clean you myself," Bill said shrugging as if it was nothing, but the smug grin told Dipper that he knew what he was doing.

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