Day 2

10 1 2

Sarah Watched worried as Watcher Dozed off, only to snap awake a few minutes later on the verge of tears again

"Hey, are you ok?" She asked worried as she reached a hand out to them

"You dozed off..are you sleeping alright? Should we take you to the doctor again?"

No response came from Charlie as They seemed to stare off, hands raising up to their exposed arms as they started to scratch

"No Charlie You gotta put your gloves on first you are going to make yourself bleed" She says worried as she grabs his gloves from nearby

She was shocked when They suddenly shoved her hand away, feeling helpless as he stumbled to his feet and began to walk off.

She couldn't help but follow this time, desperate to know where she was going at such a time.


Watcher wandered into the woods. Past his usual stop in the graveyard as She found herself shaking. Everything felt like to much and not enough all at the same time, leaving her confused and overwhelmed.

They could vaguely recognize tears under their mask, soaking into the padding that kept them from injuring themself

They had picked up the pace at some point, feeling lost and confused as The woods seemed to grow and change around them, leaving them lost from the invisible trail he would follow

How long had he been running before she tripped and fell?

A scream leaving her throat as he tumbled down the hill, left out of breath and shaking as he gripped the pendant tight

They wondered if this was how tim felt. whenever he would have the blackout episodes he was warned before his death

Did he feel as lost and as scared as they did now?

The sound of static was the only thing that seemed to snap them back into motion, vivid details of their nightmare creature filling their mind as they ran and ran as fast as they could. All to soon slipping into some old abandoned building in order to hide and cover their ears as they silently sobbed.

As for the faceless man watching over the adult, It could only feel guilt at the harm it's static was doing to it's friend.


Sarah found Watcher passed out in his usual spot in the graveyard hours after losing him. Rushing over, She could see how he was breathing softly, no erratic movement coming from him as she shook him awake

"Charlie? Hey charlie you with me?"

Watcher would slowly sit up, acting as if he was coming out of a trance as he slowly looked around in a daze, her masked face finally moving to look at sarah as he tilted his head, causing his caretaker to sigh

"C'mon buddy..let's get you home"

"ok.." Was the only response Sarah was going to get

Watching their new friend leave was always tough for it and his son. It wished it could do more to help it's friend.

oh well

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