Dipper let out another quiet sob, trying to catch his breath. "Will... will you sing me a lullaby?"

            Mabel nodded her head, clearing her throat. "Hush now, quiet now, it's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed." She repeated this lullaby until he was snoring. Mabel rested her brother onto his bed, taking his hat off of his head. "Sleep well, Dipper."


            Dipper opened his eyes to see a black and white colored world. Bill got him before he could dream. He was in the Mindscape now. And Bill would be here soon. He was doomed. "Bill? Bill, are you here? Why are you doing this to me? Please, tell me. I just want to know. I don't know why I like, you, okay, in fact I'll never know as much as you do, but can we at least be friends? Please? It's eating me alive!" he said, biting down on his lip so hard it bled. The taste of sweet copper filled his mouth, and he grimaced.

            Dipper cut his crying short when a tall, skinny, teen with messy blonde hair and formal attire stepped in front of him. "Quiet, Pine Tree. I am here now."

            The boy wiped his eyes, looking up to the demon. "Bill?"

            Bill grinned, and a yellow flash in his eyes meant he had plans. "Yes, it's me, young sapling. I look the way you want me to. I do hope you like it. Do you? Tell me."

            Dipper nodded his head, sniffling.

            Bill leaned down, lifiting the child's head to make eye contact with him. "Why you cry, child? The demon of your dreams is here to give you what you want... for a price, of course."

            Dipper blushed brightly at how close Bill was, and he sighed inwardly, once again to recover from his tears. "What's the price?"

            "I want you to promise yourself to me. Like you measly humans do. I want your hand to be mine for when you come of age."

            "Age of what?"

            "Marriage, silly boy."

            Dipper frowned, closing his eyes to think. "Why, do you want me to... reserve myself for you?"

            Bill's grin remained intact as he pulled out his cane form nowhere, leaning on it with both hands, his eyepatch glowing gold. "Love is a horrifically strong emotion, my Little Dipper. I'd be very powerfull if I harnessed it from another being. That duplicates when it is aimed towards me. Since you'll be giving me the emotion, I'll be giving you and your sister immortality and then your love for me will keep me powerfull, and all will go as well as we wish."

            Dipper' eyebrows stitched together in thought. "How do I know you're not lying?"

            Bill leaned down to the boy again, cupping his face in his hands. "Because I'll be the second male you've kissed all summer." The demon kissed Dipper, it only lasting a few seconds, but the boy savored every bit of it. Bill glowed a bright blue, and he let out an estaic grin. "Ah, I can feel the power surge through me. It's like waking from the best sleep ever for you, Pine Tree."

            Dipper lightly blushed at the nickname, his fingers touching his own lips. His fingertips glowed as well.

            "Well, kiddo, do we have a deal?"

            Dipper took the outstretched hand, shaking it. "It's a deal."


            Dipper awoke aruptly, it being six at night. He glanced over at the other side of the room to see Mabel, knitting a sweater that seemed to be for him. "Mabes?"

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