Chapter 2: Exploration and Info Finding

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((Hello everyone I'm sorry I wasn't able to get this out sooner. College was kicking my butt and with all the fact-checking with the LN and wiki page, it made things complicated with the writing. Anywho, I hope you like this series. Again I am not Fuse, I don't owe Tensura or any of these properties.))

~Akinoko POV {Location: Redacted, Central World} Day 1

Standing on a field surrounded by a forest a young woman in adventurer garb looked up and used her senses. She noticed that this place was an untamed forest with monsters and magical beasts. The far north-western of her location was a cave that had a huge amount of magicules, a slightly weaker magicule count than Veldanava's in his current state. Knowing this was a good spot to place her base in, she started to work. Tapping her bag in a sequence she pulled out a couple of storage tubes and after choosing one label 'Field' took out a schematic for a simple one-story cabin house. Using the wood from the nearby trees, stone and with some magic, she was able to finish the cabin by sunset. It had two bedrooms, a rustic kitchen/ living room, and a study where she stores medicinal plants. As night came by, she went into her study and took notes on what this world is like. She noticed that this forest had a high concentration of magicules, the magical beasts that lived in this place were quite powerful, and the area had several creatures that she had seen in books and similar worlds like goblins, ogres, and dragonewts. She knew that she would have to go to the closest human settlement to get more information about the world and see how long it had been since Veldanava's death. After writing it all down in a new journal, Akinoko puts it away and proceeds to head to bed.

~Day 2

Akinoko rose from her sleep by sunrise and started her day with a breakfast of wild mushroom salad and red boar meat that she hunted the day before. She uses her magical senses to see where the closest human settlement is. While she did that, she gave the final touches to her new base. While the bag will accept things that can fit the bag's maw, she can cheat the system by changing the size to fit, so with that, she was able to shrink usually larger furniture to size. By the time she decorated her place to her taste she was able to find the location of a walled city in a mountain, like it was buried there, it looked like it would have taken days for her to reach there if she had walked but since she didn't have the luxury she decided to fly there in high speed and just land close by before reaching the entrance. She headed out the door and in a single thought she spread her red dragon wings one of her sub-class abilities. Before jumping onto the flight, she asked the voice of the world to block her magical signature to avoid unwanted attention. With that, she took flight at a fast speed avoiding populated areas so no one could see her in flight.

She reached the city before evening and landed close to the hill and observed the line of people coming in.

"Shoot, looks like I need money for the toll" Akinoko curses as she sees from a distance how the others go in. "This is fine, just this once" whispering to herself as she became invisible and passed the line and toll guards. Once in she turns around and gives an apologetic bow even though she knows the guards wouldn't be able to see her, she turns back and is amazed by the city's structure; like stepping into a fantasy/ Steampunk world. Weaving around as she passes dwarves, elves, half-elves, humans, and other races she has seen in other worlds similar; she finds an empty alleyway and swiftly steps in.

Before she became visible, she realized she had forgotten something and with another couple of taps on her bag, she took out a small metallic box with a latch. Unclipping it reveals a plush felt inners which held a simple silver bangle with a red ruby center. Before coming into the world, Veldanava had told her to try to suppress her magic energy since it might attract unwanted attention to herself. When she asked him how powerful she was compared to those who knew him, he told her she would be an entertaining opponent for a particular demon and warned her not to fight him. He didn't elaborate afterwards but Akinoko decided not to tempt faith. She had commissioned her little sister Jennifer, a Master of Technology, crafting, and magical items, to make this item. This item was the 'Suppressor Bracer', in the past, it was used as a punishment by disabling an Animalia's use of certain powers but in modern times, with some modification, it became an educational tool. Teachers will purposely lower their natural power so they can measure the student's progress. Akinoko, who had her fair share of students was familiar with this method, after all, she was the one who popularized this teaching method. As she holds the bangle in her hands, she can see encryption inside that glows softly as she uses some of her power. Anyone who saw those encryptions wouldn't be able to translate them since it was in an ancient tongue that only nobility or those who dedicated their lives to the magic item creation could understand. She was sure that no one in this world would be able to translate. Becoming visible and disable the block as she quickly puts on the bangle, she sighs with relief as she feels her power lowering knowing that she will be viewed as a slightly stronger human.

In another world in my sleep to check on the Star King Dragon's only daughter.Where stories live. Discover now