chapter twenty-six: Jesus

Start from the beginning

"Do you have food?" Glenn quickly asked.

Jesus looked over at him. "We started to raise livestock, we scavenge. We grow. Everything from tomatoes to sorghum."

"You got watermelon?" Mercedes asked with her arms crossed over the table.

Jesus looked over at her with an amused look on his face. "I'm afraid not." He answered.

"You should probably change that." The Warren girl muttered.

Carl snickered and she looked over at him with a smile.

"Why should we believe you?" Rick asked.

"I can show you. If we take a car, I can take you back home in a day, and you can all see yourselves who we are and what we have to offer." Jesus told the group.

"Wait. You're looking for more settlements. You mean you're already trading with other groups?"

Jesus smiled at Maggie's question. He leaned back in his chair. "Your world is about to get a whole lot bigger."


While some of the others went with Jesus, Mercedes decided to stay in Alexandria with Carl. Currently the two teens were laying beside each other on Carl's bed.

Mercedes had her head on the Grimes boy's shoulder and the two looked at the pages of the comic in Carl's hands.

Suddenly Carl sighed and closed his comic book. Mercedes tilted her head to look at him, confused. "I've got a question." The Grimes boy said, looking down at her.

Mercedes nodded with pursed lips. "I possibly have an answer. Shoot."


Mercedes interrupted the boy before he could finish. "You want to know where we're and why we were gone for so long."

Carl smiled a little. "That and why didn't I get invited?"

The Warren girl laughed. "Girls only trip. No boys allowed." She explained as she poked Carl's cheek. She then sighed. "A herd came through the fairgrounds we were at and we had to wait it out."

She then paused, wondering if she should tell Carl about Auggie or not. Carl noticed the look on her face and his brows furrowed. "What is it?" He asked.

Mercedes sighed as she licked her lips. "We... Uh, we saw somebody. A boy. Our age. Apparently he has a camp or something like that."

Carl slowly nodded. "Did you tell my dad?" He asked, deep in thought.

The girl narrowed her eyes and scoffed. "Oh, yeah, totally. I should definitely do it. That way he'll know Mic, Chloe and I snuck out and went somewhere we were most likely not supposed to."

"Right." Carl hummed. "We wouldn't want that."

"No. We would not."


After Mercedes left Carl's house she made her way to Deanna's house where she knew Spencer was staying. She knocked on the door four times and waited for Spencer to answer it.

Soon the door opened and Spencer stared down at the girl with a confused look on his face. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

Mercedes shrugged. "Were you not looking for me a few days ago?" She asked.

Spencer sighed as he leaned against the door. "Shit. I forgot." He mumbled. "Come in" he moved so the girl could walk in.

Once she was in the house Spencer shut the door. Mercedes glanced around. All the lights were off and the blinds on the windows were shut.

"You know... Sunshine is good for the soul." The girl said as she walked over to the living room windows.

"What are you doing?" Spencer groaned as Mercedes opened the blinds to allow the sunshine to enter the house.

"I promised your mom that I'd take care of you. That starts today." Mercedes responded as she headed into the kitchen.

Spencer sighed following behind her. He watched as she grabbed up a blue dryearase marker. She started to write things down on the white board that hung on the refrigerator.

"Firstly, every Friday evening we sit under the oak tree in the backyard." She said as she wrote it down. "Just like me and Deanna did."

"That is not necessary." Spencer shook his head.

"Shut up." Mercedes rolled her eyes. "This is not a discussion, Dumbass."

End of chapter

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