chapter fifteen: cobwebs

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Jesse kept his word, the next day when Rick, Daryl, Tyreese, Sasha and Noah left to go save Ross, Beth and Carol from the hospital in Atlanta, he stayed at the church.

Mercedes sat on the floor with Judith sitting on her legs. Michonne, Jesse and Carl were busy boarding off the front door. Mercedes was helping the three until Judith started to fuss so Michonne told her to just watch the baby.

Later that day Jesse watched as Michonne, Carl and Mercedes play with Judith. A smile across his face. Suddenly yelling was heard from outside.

"Please! They're close! Help! They're coming!"

"Was that Gabriel?" Mercedes asked standing up.

"Please don't leave me out here! Mercedes! Carl! Michonne! Jesse! Please! I had to see it! I know now!"

Carl and Mercedes ran over to the door and started trying to get the doors open.

"Get back!" Michonne yelled running over with an axe.

Carl grabbed onto Mercedes wrist and pulled her and himself out of the way just before Michonne started to chop into the wood on the door.

The door flew open and Gabriel ran in freaking out. He grabbed Carl and Mercedes by the arm and started dragging them towards his office.

Soon Jesse, Michonne and Juniper rab in after them. Jesse tossed Mercedes' backpack to her.

Gabriel then pointed at where he escaped through earlier. They send Mercedes into the hole first with Juno. "Merce, Carl, you two wait for Jess and I, okay?"

Mercedes nodded before getting on her hands and knees. She started to crawl. "ew." She muttered in disgust as cobwebs tangle in her hair. Soon she was outside and she quickly dusted herself off.

Carl then joined her side. "Here, hold still." He said reaching his hand towards her hair. He then pulled a few cobwebs out of her hair.

"Thanks." Mercedes smiled a little, scrunching her nose up.

Soon the others make it out. "I don't want to run anymore." Gabriel shook his head trying to catch his breath.

"We're not." Michonne told him before walking towards the front of the church.

The two teens kill any walker that lingered around outside while the three adults locked the other walkers up inside the church.

They all moved away from the door as the walkers tried to bust it open. The door rattled, it would probably bust open at any given moment.

The wood started to crack and the sound of a vehicle approaching caused Mercedes to glance over. She saw firetruck approaching.

She grabbed onto Carl's hand and pulled him out of the way as the truck drove right up to block the door.

Abraham and the crew got out. "Mercedes!" Michelle squealed running over to the girl.

The two girls hug each other tightly.

"Why are you back?" Michonne asked, looking towards Glenn and Maggie.

"Eugene lied. Washington isn't the end." Glenn answered, shaking his head.

"Where is everyone?" Maggie asked glancing around.

Michonne smiled widely as she grabbed Maggie's hands. "Beth's alive. She and Ross are in a hospital in Atlanta." She informed the woman.

"Do we know which one?" Maggie asked, excited to know where her sister is.

"Grady memorial." Jesse responded with a proud smile.

"Let's blow this joint. Save your sister." Tara smiled.


Mercedes walked holding her dad's arm as the two of them and a few of the others headed towards the door of the hospital.

A sick feeling settled in her stomach when she saw Rick walk out with a broken look on his face.

Tears burn at her eyes when she saw Ross walk out with tears streaming down his face only to land on the lifeless blonde that laid bridal style in his arms. Beth Greene, the same girl that Mercedes had once shared a cell with, Beth Greene, the same girl that taught her how to make the very difficult rainbow looms bracelets back on the farm... Now she was gone.

Maggie let out a loud sob, falling to the ground.

Daryl gently took Beth from Ross, seeing the boy could no longer hold her.

Mercedes sprinted over to the boy. He looked down at her before more tears slid down his cheeks. Mercedes quickly wrapped her arms around his torso. After a few seconds Ross slowly wrapped his arms around her. He rested his chin on top of her head, his tears land on her dark curls.

End of chapter

Beth's dead😞

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