chapter twenty-two: you don't fight, you die

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When Mercedes and Enid got back to Alexandria they heard yelling coming from the center of town. They quickly ran towards it to see what was happening.

Rick and Pete were fighting in the middle of the road. The two teenagers ran over and stood by Carl and Michelle.

Jesse ran over, intending to break up the fight but he only got pulled into it.

"Stop it. Stop it Right now!" Deanna angrily demanded.

"You touch them again and I'll kill you." Rick threatened Pete with the man in a chokehold.

"Damnit, Rick! I said stop!" Deanna screamed, but Rick ignored her.

Two men go towards Rick but the Grimes man pulled out his gun. Mercedes gasped as Rick swung his gun around. A hand slipped into hers and she glanced over to see Carl looking at her with a worried look on his face.

"Put that gun down, Rick." Deanna slowly spoke.

Rick shook his head. "You still don't get it. None of you do!" He yelled, turning around towards the crowd. "We know what needs to be done and we do it. We're the ones who live."

He pointed at Glenn, Carl, Mercedes, Michelle and Jesse. He then looked at Deanna. "You, you just sit and plan and hesitate, you pretend like you know but you don't. You wish things weren't what they are. Well, you want to live? You want this place to stay standing? Your way of doing things is done. Things don't get better because you want them to. Starting right now, we have to live in the real world. We have to control who lives here."

"That's never been more clear to me than it is right now." Deanna said.

Mercedes heart dropped Carl squeezed her hand a little tighter.

Rick looked at the woman dumbfounded. "Me? Me? You mean-- you mean me? Your way is gonna destroy this place. It's gonna get people killed and I'm not just gonna stand by and let it happen. If you don't fight, you die. I'm not just gonna stand by and--"

Suddenly Michonne ran over and hit Rick in the head with her gun knocking him out.

"That shut him up." Michelle whispered to Glenn.

Glenn glanced at her. "not now, Mickey."


Things were falling apart left and right. The group was falling apart. Noah was dead, Eugene and Abraham aren't on speaking terms, Tara is still unconscious. And now Rick might be getting exiled. But Mercedes day was just about to get way more fucked.

The Warren girl currently sat under the gazebo with Salim and Cathryn. The three silently drink some fresh lemonade.

"Mercedes Nicolette Warren!" Jesse shouted, storming over.

Mercedes looked at him confused. She had never seen him that mad. "Dad, what's wrong... Did Juno chew up another flashlight?"

"This isn't about the dog." Jesse told her before looking at Cathryn with hatred. "I don't want you hanging around this bitch."

"Dad!" Mercedes gasped, wide eyed. "That's Salem's mom."

Jesse scoffed. "Do you have any idea what she has done, Mercedes! Has she told you?" He asked.

Mercedes and Salem both look at Cathryn confused. "What's he talking about, mom?" Salem asked, titling her head.

"She fucking left us, Mercedes! She left you! You were a week old and you needed your momma, and she fucking left!" Jesse yelled, jabbing his finger towards Cathryn.

Mercedes eyes widened and she looked at Cathryn who was now holding back tears. "Unbelievable." She said, her voice breaking.

She then ran off. Everything she thought she knew was changing. If someone would've told her months ago that she'd meet her mom she'd laugh in their face. She felt betrayed by Cathryn. Someone who had been so nice to her, knowing who she was but never told her.

She ran until she reached the first place that came to mind.
Mercedes knocked on the front door. After a few minutes Carol opened the door. She looked at Mercedes concerned when she saw the tears that slid down her cheeks.

"Mercedes, what's wrong?" The woman asked, waving for the girl to walk in.

Once Mercedes was inside Carol shut the door. "Can I please stay here tonight?" Mercedes quietly asked, wiping her eyes.

Carol hesitately nodded. "yeah. Go take a shower and get ready for bed. I'll fix you some food before heading out to Rick's 'trial'.


"I'll be back later. I trust that you won't sneak out." Carol said about to walk out the front door.

Mercedes nodded. "Don't worry. I'll stay here." She assured the woman.

Carol smiled a little before leaving the house.

End of chapter

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