1: Earth

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He's been sitting in this damn chair for well over an hour, and he could tell even without a lantern clock or a temple bell in this void masked as a room. If anyone could even call it that.

Anything that resembled a physical possession was either too strange to figure out its purpose, too plain to pay any kind of attention to, or just had a single use. Like the chair he's been sitting on arguing with this person he's been convinced is some kind of Shinto God.

"Then I want to take my damn sword!" He yells, arms tightening around his uncovered arms. The Shinto- Shitto more like it, the bastard- sighs from across the table that has been implanted to the floor/void and managed to take all of the humans wrath without so much of a dent.

"As I said before, this world has certain laws that have the power to take away or confiscate anything and anyone that poses a danger to others. You cannot take your sword."

"Then I want my conjuring."

"That breaks the laws of nature this world is set in."

The blond groans as he throws his head back. "Can't bring this, can't do that, impossible here and impossible there-! What's the point of even going if I can't bring anything that's mine!" He screams, fist slamming on the table with a force that's broken many times in his past. This one barely jumps. Infuriating fucking thing.

"Can't conjure, no spells, no potions or summons and not even fucking hexes exist for gods sakes in this good-for-nothing world." He spits. "Might as well just put me back where I died, make me continue my perfect life, and pretend this never happened. I'll have my things and my mana and my sword, and you can have your solitude back. Why can't you do that instead of all of this nonsense?" he wheezes out, the last of his breath coming out at an angry fast paste. The entity in front of him frowns a little.

"You crossed over a Shinto and died the moment it was destroyed. If it weren't for your devotion for life in that moment, you would have remained in the field with the rest of your fallen comrades." They say before the head ducks down a little. "As would I, too, along with it. But because of your wish of life in your moment of death, it brought you here to me. You are my last to grant that wish of life."

Katsuki huffs as he looks to the side, glaring at the nothingness that lies there.

"But the ability for me to do that has been rendered impossible the moment the bridge connecting me to the world you were born into was reduced to nothing. My only option is to take you to one that's familiar." The entity's head snaps up in a quick and short burst, brows furrowed to match katsukis as he now shifts his gaze to glare at it instead of the big load of nothing surrounding them. He still defiantly kept his chin jutted upwards and away.

He was angry, and he was frustrated, and sitting naked on a very hard and very uncomfortable chair.

"But I have to abide by the laws of nature and the world's physics to make this successful. Otherwise your sense of self would be lost permanently and you would experience a sense of eternity that your kind would find 'boring' to be a part of before ultimately going insane and be able to do nothing about it. What I'm doing now is giving you a choice, and I have all of the time and patience to wait for your final decision."

Doesn't feel like a god-damned choice to me! "And I don't have the patience for this shit, and nor do I wanna spend my time arguing with you, so the least you could so, is tell me what I can bring instead of telling me what I can't do. Get this over with quickly."

"Of course. Do you mind if I search your memory?" They ask, and the human bristles as his head shoots to look directly into another set of otherworldly pair of eyes.

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