Izuku Family Tree

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Most of the adults blinks in confusion as the laughter dies down.
"What do you mean by his family tree? Why should we react to something like that?" Tenko growls while Nedzu feels his fur stand on end the moment he reads the title on the screen. "Of what importance is my family?" Said boy asks softly, the silent room filled with his small soft voice, the worry and fear clearly able to be heard in his words.
"To put it simply. Your family has had a huge impact on the world since the dawn of Quirks. Many of which don't even know of their relation to you." I state plainly, causing many people to blanch at the thought. "How could someone not know who's related to them?" Toga wonders aloud, her normally chipper voice clouded with sadness at the thought.
"Fear, worry, or anger are major causes of people not knowing whos related to them." I say plainly, looking over at both Nedzu and Aizawa, wondering how they will react to this information.

The screen lights up with the sight of a field of grass, not far outside an old city. Signs of fights around the area as three teen boys sit in a small circle each having the same white hair.
"So, no one is near here right Tomara?" The eldest asks the middle child, as he blinks the glaze from his revealing a sky blue color. "No Hisashi. We are alone for now. My pets are watching the perimeter." He states, while the youngest looks down, his hair covering his emerald green eyes. "Why are we here big brother?" He asks softly, the worry and kindness clear in his voice. "I wanted to tell you both something that has been happening to me lately, and I fear someone might harm us if they overheard." Hisashi explains, his blood red eyes filled with fear. "I fear my power is more than we first figured." He states after a minute of silence. "Ever since Inkora's body was found I've been losing time. Blacking out while doing something only to awaken to be someplace else or doing something else. I fear my power is alive." He states as both his brothers share a look. "Brother. We know. We figure this out not long ago, but there is nothing we can do." Tomura states softly, his eyes filled with fear. "You attacked someone and stole their power." The youngest says softly, causing Hisashi to gasp in shock and stare at his hands in fear.
"Yoichi! We agreed to tell him later!" Tomura hisses at the youngest.

"Dad?" Izuku says, his eyes widening as a panic attack hits him, causing Ochako to wrap him in a hug, to ground him.

The screen shifts to a broken city some time later, both the eldest brother and youngest stand on opposite sides of a wrecked building.
"Your brother is gone! I destroyed the last of his mental force the day I killed Tomura! Hisashi is gone! All for one is all that's left!" The older cackles loudly, as Yoichi sheds a single tear. "Leader. Leave. Take the power I found and let it grow." Yoichi says to the man next to him who only nods and retreats, leaving the brothers to their fight, already knowing his friend will not survive.

"No!" Izuku yells, then passes out, his head hitting Ochako's lap while those who know of the first wielder watch in shock. Hisashi himself whispers to Yoichi as he pets his head with tears in his eyes. "He forced me to watch as i killed you." He says sadly.

The screen shifts again showing Hisashi blink his eyes a few times clearing the blank look from them as he finds himself in Mufasta, his eyes shifting from the red he had from his power to the emerald green he was born with. "I... I'm in control again?" He gasps, then shakes his head. "I don't know how long I'll stay in control, I need to set up a plan to defeat that thing in my mind." He thinks to himself, before he leaves the area.

The screen shifts quickly to a different time and place, before anyone can say a word, now showing Nana Shimura standing before a large house. "Thank you. Please take good care of her. I fear He will find her and use her against me along with both her brothers. Make sure she knows I love her." She says with small tears in her eyes, handing a young sleeping Inko over to the older Bakugo looking lady. "I will. Does she know?" The lady asks, "she knows and understands enough." Nana says with a nod. "Her younger brother is in good hands, I trust the Aizawa's, they are great heros." Nana tells the woman who nods also. "My grandfather would be proud of you if he knew. I bet he will be there with you during your fight against that bastard." The woman says proudly. "I hope so." Nana sighs leaving quickly, before her crying becomes to much.

"Master?" All Might gasps, while Bakugo stares at his grandmother in shock, not having known his aunty Inko was his mother's adopted sister.
Shota Aizawa watches the screen with his eyes wide, seeing his mother for the first time ever. "I have a sister?" He chokes out, Mic hugging him from the side

-In another part of the theater-
"Did I make the right choice for them?" Nana wonders aloud. "I'm sure you did what you thought was best at the time. That was all you could do." Hisashi tells her softly, a small smile on his lips as she wipes her fresh tears away.

-Back in the main room.
"Mr aizawa is my uncle?" Izuku says blankly, as the screen shifts once more showing a lab filled with the man known as Tomura.

The screen shows Tomura attached to the table, with a blank looking nedzu next to his body with wires attached to them both connecting them while all for one sat off to the side with a malicious smirk on his face.
"Such a magnificent quirk i wonder what will happen when we force a full mental bond and then transfer your consciousness into the body of the creature we made with your strongest pets." AFO say with a dark chuckle. "Then we will kill your original body." He says laughing hard.

The thearter is silent as they take in that info and Nedzu looks lost and confused like he doesnt remember this.

The screen jumps to some time later where it shows Tomura dead and nedzu looking at his olf body in shock and fear. "No" he yells as he watches himself be killed then AFO leaves the room while a spark starts a fire to kill everyone in the room.
1C3D appears before Nedzu as hes about to die. "Child. I can save you, but in return you must become my student and give up your humanity and the memories of your human past" he says as nedzu looks at me with a calculating gaze while the fire spreads around the room. "I accept" Nedzu replies, as the screen goes black.

"What ghe hell was that!" Bakugou says angrily. "So rat face is the nerds uncle?" He rages while Izuku stares at the screen blankly and Ochako snuggles with him to keep him calm as the room fills with chatter.

Appoligies that it took so long to post again, have been suffering from writers block for the past few months and work has been bad. Packed to high hell at the resturant i cook at. Hope you all like this chapter i hope to get feedback on how it is.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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